View Full Version : Nose problems.

28-02-13, 12:12
The inside of my right nostil has been scabby for about 2 weeks now, to be fair I do pick the scabs now and again, but seriously this looks terrifying. I showed my Dr and he said it's just because of my allergies and probably my nose being very dry. He said if it hasn't got better in 2 weeks to go back. He said my nose looks fine apart from dried blood. The thing is my nose never bleeds like dripping blood, I never find any on my pillows or anything, it's light blood aswell, it just tends to bleed a tiny bit causing scabbing and it sometimes runs down the back of my throat. Would a carcinoma bleed heavily? It feels very dry and sore compared to the other side which is fine.

I know cancer can start as sores that do not heal and this one just isn't healing.
I haven't picked it at all today but I have been putting a skin cream on it to keep it moist so it doesn't dry out.

Is it rare for a 20 year old to get squamous cell carcinoma inside the nose?

01-03-13, 03:27
Anyone? :(

01-03-13, 03:38
Yes my guess would be that it is very rare.

I think you are probably fine, its probably just a Little dry as the doctor said and should heal over time if you don't pick it. If you are worried go back to the doctor and ask.

I have nosebleeds every day, its starting to do my head in but I never thought it could be related to or a sign of cancer.