View Full Version : New Goal

28-02-13, 14:30
I have social phobia and get anxious when going out especially to places I don't know but I have got better over the past few years. Now I've decided that if I need to go out somewhere I'm going to do it myself with no one else and if I need to phone someone I'm going to do that myself too (I hate phones).

This sort of came about by my family not believing in me but I want to do this for myself because I can't go on like this forever. Tomorrow is the first day I'm going to do this, I'm going shopping on my own on a bus :) I just hope I don't lose the confidence in myself that has suddenly popped up out of nowhere.

28-02-13, 14:33
Good for you Grey! I'll be rooting for you! Treat yourself to something nice as a reward :hugs:

28-02-13, 14:36
Well done Grey, I am really pleased for you :D xx

28-02-13, 14:39
Good luck! That sounds great. Got my fingers crossed for you :).

28-02-13, 14:42
I managed to go on a bus into town today,I went early- ish to avoid crowds,I managed to put myself down for a course,which starts Monday!-I'm pretty nervous but I find throwing myself in at the deep end kind of works,it's scary,but no actual harm has happened to me,so well done on your positive thinking!-what doesn't kill you does make you stronger,good luck xxx

28-02-13, 16:39
Thanks everyone :) that's great impulse. I hope your course goes well and you keep at it.