View Full Version : Proud of myself!

28-02-13, 14:57
So yesterday I started off being very stressy and worried, having to deal with debt problems. Making phone calls to companies scare me, and is enough to send me off on a full blow panic attack. I know it sounds very silly, but I have always been like this. Does anyone else suffer doing things like that?

Well, anyway. I did it. I called the company and was on the phone to them for a long long time, it was a lovely woman on the other end who was very understanding and patient with me. We ended up coming to an agreement, and all was fine. I felt much happier after that.

Then my mum decided we should go shopping. I ummed and ahhed for a while, I was already feeling anxious after the phone call, but I felt somewhat pushed due to actually making it. So I agreed and we went to the shops. My anxiety was building and building, but I managed to not lose it, and eventually I worked past it, and just enjoyed myself shopping. Shoes always help!

And then...My mum wanted to take the lift back up to the car park. I always use stairs, I am so very scared of lifts. They are the one major thing that freak me out every single time. I always panic, I pretty much crouch down in the corner and hyperventilate, you know how it is. I haven't been in one for years because of this. I started to lose it a little as we were walking towards the stairs and lift, but then I figured, why not try it? I'm sure the fact I overcame my own little goals helped push me to that. So I said okay, and in the lift I went. As soon as those doors closed, the feeling of impending doom kicked in, I couldn't breath properly. But I told myself it would be okay. I was breathing heavily, but I stayed there, I didn't lose it..And then the doors opened and out I got! Being in a lift is one of my full blown fears, but I managed it, and didn't completely freak out.

I was proud of myself! Now I'm hoping next time it goes smoother. This has definitely put a bit more courage in me to try do other things that I have avoided for years because I get scared, or know I will have a full on panic attack. I didn't realise how much better you can feel after managing to do these things that feel so huge to you but small to everyone else :yesyes:.

28-02-13, 15:32
well done punkachoo
you had a busy day
and look at what you accomplished :yahoo:
frosty x