View Full Version : Introduction

28-02-13, 15:56
Hi all,

I am very glad I have found this space to talk about my anxiety as I have lived with it a long time now and often feel unable to talk about it as friends and family have heard it all before. I was first diagnosed when I was in my teens with GAD and was put on Seroxat, supposedly as a short term boost to get me back to school once I had finished a course of CBT.

However, whenever I have tried to come off the drug I have had some form of relapse. Right now I feel like I am in a very bad place and part of the reason I have come on here is to try and help myself challenge that.

I was on the lowest amount of Seroxat I have been on for 15 years (just 2.5mg) and everything seemed ok when I started a new job before Christmas. I had been looking for a job like this for ages and was very proud when I got it as it was a very competitive process. I seemed to settling in ok and was feeling really good but since the middle of January I have been experiencing symptoms that I have not had for years.

The symptoms I get are mainly centred around nausea and vomiting. Basically, in the mornings I get up and feel very sick and often vomit. If I manage to get into work I either feel better as the day goes on or feel nausea all day. I have had to come home today after lunch as I was sat at my desk feeling ill and panicky that I might be sick in front of colleagues.

I have discussed this all with my doctor and increased my dose to 5mg 2 weeks ago. I know it takes a while to work but I was really hoping to be back to normal by now- at least so that I could get on and not have to work from home or be off sick.

I am finding it all really tough becasue I was hoping to get off the pills once and for all but instead I am increasing them. I am also in real terror that I will lose my job- I am still in my probation period until May and the job involves some travelling which I can't do if I am feeling sick. I am also losing weight as eating is an issue.

I did speak to my boss who tried to reassure me a bit but I just don't believe they will take me on permanently if I don't get better soon. I felt a bit better at the beginning of this week but now it has come back again- a real blow as I thought I was starting to recover a little.

I have had a lot of support and tried different therapies over the years but I am still having to come to terms with the fact that nothing has made this condition go away.

So that is me. I am probably going to ramble quite a lot on this forum until I feel a bit better so that I can get it all out there without having to talk it over constantly with my partner- who is no doubt bored of it all by now!

Anyway, hopefully I can be of some support to some of you guys too.

28-02-13, 16:07
Hi Ineedlookingafter

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-02-13, 17:29
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find lots of help and support, as I have.

28-02-13, 19:39
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.
