View Full Version : IBS issues

28-02-13, 16:11
Hi everyone,

For a while I have been having a really gurgly stomach and often what I would describe as a knotting sensation after food or if I need to relieve myself (tmi). I also sometimes get a slight pain which feels like stitch in my left rib and get quite a bit of wind. I went to the doctors a while a go and he had a good feel of my stomach and said it was all soft and said I had IBS.

I also noticed (I was purposley looking for swellings) that the left hand side of my stomach is slightly 'fatter' than the right. I wouldn't necesserily call it swelling or bloating, it is not hard and just feels and looks like fat skin. The doctor didnt seem worried and my mum thinks it looks exactly the same as the other side- shows you how much different it is.

I am concerned that it is something worse as I have heard that people are told they have IBS when in fact it is something serious. I am currently concerned about ovarian cancer plus every other cancer that may pop into my head throughout the day.

Can anyone shed some light that can reassure me it is IBS?!

28-02-13, 18:40
Well, I am going through much of the same thing right now. I just got back from the doctor an hour ago, and while he did not suggest it was IBS, he does want me to quit drinking milk for a week to see if the symptoms fade.

And so you know, being a man, I have the same symptoms, and no ovaries...so you are probably good to go. The thing is, with those of us suffering with HA, we *always* jump to the worst case scenario, when statistically, many MANY people suffer from IBS, and other non serious digestive issues, and it is only in rare cases they are not something more serious.

Hang in there!

28-02-13, 18:46
I'm not a doctor but the chances are that it is IBS.

Let's face it, most of us are on here because of our nerves and IBS goes hand in hand with it.

Also the gurgling tummy and things you mention do indicate on it being IBS related.

One point to remember is that to never look down at your tummy in order to see or check for any swelling. The very idea that our stomach feels or looks bloated will normally make our eyes see some form of distention to us even if there is none there in the first place!

My IBS affects me on the right and left side of both the upper and lower quadrants of my stomach and can present pain after eating and also before and after bowel movements. A lot of sites will state that IBS pain and discomfort is normally felt on the left but this can also be true of the right side, even including the chest and kidney and back areas.

The funny thing about doctors diagnosing IBS is that this is the term they use when they can't find anything wrong normally, in other words they have ruled out all other more serious possibilities.