View Full Version : Getting in a state

28-02-13, 17:43
So I'm getting in a state waiting for Biopsy results. I had a colposcopy 5 weeks ago tommorrow. The nurse doing it said everything looked fine etc but they would do a Biopsy to be sure and send me the results.

They did say it would take about 3 weeks for the results but it's been five weeks tommorrow and nothing.

So I called them this afternoon and they said no one is in until tommorrow, so I called my GP and they haven't had anything since the letter from the hospital saying they were doing a biospy (which I thought was strange as I couldn't see why they would write saying they were going to do a biopsy??

Anyway the receptionist at the GP said to call the hospital and gave me my consultants name.

Which again I thought was strange as I only saw the colposcopy nurse and didn't even know I had a consultant so now I'm thinking the worse and thinking it's something bad I have a consultant and they have just forgot to tell me.

My mum said it is probably the consultant who oversees the department and it's normal to be under a consultant, she said it doesn't mean you see them but ultimately they are responsible for your care and you normally see one of their team.

Anyone any ideas on this I was doing ok but the fact I've had no results is really making me panic and I'm thinking they've come back and no one has told me they are bad.

I know they normally say no news is good news but I'm just thinking the worst :weep:

28-02-13, 17:47
Your Mum is right, you will be under a consultant who will look at the results. I am sure because you have not heard anything that it will be fine. Like you say no news is usually good news. If it was anything serious they would have let you know by now. Try calling again tomorrow. :hugs::hugs:

28-02-13, 21:16
Hi, agree in Annie. The boss (consultant) will check over everything. Great that everything looked fine.. when I had mine they could see straight away that I had a problem and needed surgery.


01-03-13, 14:20
Thank you ladies, but I'm in more of a panic now.

I called today and the receptionist checked and said nothing was on the computer so she went off to check the files. She then came back and said.
"yes the results are back but the consultant just needs to look at them to decide what happens next".

So obviously with HA all I'm thinking is "what happens next" because surely if they were normal she'd just say they are back and it's normal.

Anyway I asked if I should be worried and she said "no it's standard she has to see all results and if it was anything urgent she would have already seen them.

She then said they are really busy at the moment the consultant is in on Monday and will look at some results then so if I call back Tuesday they will hopefully be able to give me some information then.

So I think I feel worse, I just don't understand why she couldn't say? my work colleague said a receptionist is not allowed to give any results, especially before the consultant has seen them and the fact she said it's standard procedure and if it was urgent she would have already checked them should reassure me but I just keep thinking it's something bad just sitting on her desk and she hasn't got round to looking yet!

Wish I hadn't rung now I hate the waiting around they said it would about 3 weeks and it's already been 5 :weep:

01-03-13, 14:34
It is standard procedure, the results are back from the lab but the consultant will need to see them. The what happens next could be "nothing" as they maybe perfectly clear but only the consultant can make that decision. The receptionist is not allowed to tell you anything unless it has been approved by the consultant. :hugs::hugs:

02-03-13, 08:07
Thank you Annie

I did think that a couple of weeks ago I had to ring the hospital for my son's blood test results and the receptionist said "I can't release results the doctor has to do that I will get them to call you" His results were normal so it does sound like it's standard procedure.

I just think it's how they word things, by saying "decide what happens next" automatically makes me think something is going to happen!

But then I suppose they can't win with people who have HA because whatever they said we would read more into it!

thanks again