View Full Version : New to forums.....anxiety and panic problems

28-02-13, 17:55
Hi all so please I found this forum really need a place to unload a bit tonight.

I started to get panic attacks back in September 2012 although really didn't know what it was then. Then in October I had a horrendous one then a few after that and lately I have been having feelings of anxiety all the time. This mainly happens when I'm around people when I'm at work such as in a meeting or even just being in the open plan office.

Its really starting to ruin my life....I'm seeing a psychologist but have little confidence its working. Have been started on propranolol but dislike taking them due to the side effects.....I have also seen an NLP guy who suggested the reason I was having this anxiety was due to supressing my feelings of my relationship at the time, basically I wanted to end it but couldn't. My bf has given me some space and gone to his mothers for the past four weeks. He thinks its from me being so stressed with a busy job and also doing a degree but I am more inclined to think its relationship probs.

Anyway had an awful day today and had to leave work again. I'm sure my colleagues think I'm a proper sick note. I just can't cope with this any more though but don't know what else I can do - tried the psychology and the meds but neither are working...I know I have to give it time but...its not even getting slightly better.

I'm going to get an appt with my GP tomorrow and ask about going on Fluoxetine ....although some of the side effects sounds pretty awful for the first few weeks...I just need something to help me cope with life...the slightest stressor now sends me over the end. I just want to be normal! I used to be so laid back O can't believe I'm actually suffering from this ....just want it to go away so I can enjoy my life. Thanks for reading xx

28-02-13, 22:55
a therapy i tried was tft, which is thought field therapy, and i found that when i was at my worst it really did help stop the panic attacks from being on my mind so much, and i tried this because i found that cbt and other talking therapies weren't really having an effect for me, so maybe this is something you could look into? <3

01-03-13, 15:13
Thanks ill look into it. Just started fluoxetine today and already anxious about the side effects. I all hopeful though

01-03-13, 18:40
all though the side effects are bad the fluoxetine did help me to stop thinking abit. although i had strange dreams and falling asleep during the day for the first two weeks. boots the chemist told me to take them at lunch time, instead of first thing in the morning and it has helped me.

i have palpatations/ectopic beats, vomiting, loose b/m and worry about everything.