View Full Version : Weight anxiety?

28-02-13, 18:21
Hello everyone.
I'm a girl 5 foot 1, 8 stone 1 pound.
I can't seem to survive the day without 2,500 calories and its worrying me I'm eating to much.
Today I've had :
Breakfast: Porridge with oat pieces and dried strawberries and a yoghurt.
A banana. Belvita breakfast biscuits
Lunch: Ravioli with Philly cheese. A mini Milky Way.
Dinner: tuna pasta bake. Tuna, pasta, onions, tomatoes, one tablespoon light mayo. Two tablespoons jar of pasta sauce.
This is a typical day.

I am going to cut the chocolate for a piece of fruit. But my choc was 100 calories and a piece of fruit or tinned fruit can be just as much!
Suppose I could cut out the breakfast biscuits to every other day.

I wake at 6:00.
Eat breakfast at work at 7:30am.
Am hungry by 10:30 for a snack
Am hungry for lunch at 1:30
Am very hungry for dinner at 5:30-6:00.

I am not eating when not hungry I am genuinely hungry. Also because im awake from 6:00-10:00pm I need three meals. I can't skip any as I'm just to hungry otherwise. I need breaky and lunch and am still hungry for dinner.

Does anyone know whether ill put on weight eating what I do? Also has anyone got any low cal lunch ideas that I can take to work. Their is a microwave.

I'm terrified I'm over eating.
I have some extra fat on my tummy and sometimes it can look like a pregnant belly but my weight seems stable enough.
I want to aim for 2,000 calories a day but can't seem to?

28-02-13, 18:24
If you are 5ft 1" and only weigh 8 stone then you have nothing to worry about...you are certainly not over eating :) xx

28-02-13, 18:24
In a way I'd like to see a dietician to see if I can come up with some sort of plan.

I enjoy carbs. Would switching to whole grain pastas and bread be a good idea? Also brown rice.

28-02-13, 18:26
Whole grain is good for you but you don't need to worry about your weight :)

28-02-13, 18:26
Thanks annie.
I was talking to a colleague today about this and he looked at me as to say I was mad as everyone says I'm tiny. I just feel I over eat. But I listen to when my bodies hungry and it is set in this routine. But then I calculate calories and its coming out at 2,500 roughly every day!
Even on weekends I wake at that time hungry so eat and go back to sleep most weekends.

28-02-13, 18:29
You don't need to count calories, just eat, you are not over weight :)

28-02-13, 18:38
You eat a lot more healthily than I do! :) I also calculated your BMI - it's 21.3, whereas over 25 would be overweight. So you are healthier than me as mine was over 25 last time I checked.

28-02-13, 18:43
Thanks guys.
Some days ill have a more 'snack' like dinner. Scrambled eggs on toast etc. depending on what else I've had for the rest of the day.
I get very stuck on lunch ideas for work though. I get bored of sandwiches. The other day I had a tub of fresh strawberries covered with low fat muiller yoghurt that was quite nice.
Some days I'm bad though and take a single pie or a slice of pizza and a piece of fruit in and heat that up oops. But those days are when ill have a more snack like dinner. And if I have a lighter lunch ill have a bigger dinner.
Any other ideas for a packed lunch?

28-02-13, 18:51
I'm surprised that all came in at 2500 cals as it doesn't seem like that much - however you certainly have nothing to worry about with your weight.

As for lunches...I have a similar problem....but often make a big soup on the weekend so I can take a pot of home made soup in for my lunches and its really filling - usually just use Morrisons chopped up soup mix, extra celery, lentils and whatever you fancy with a stock cube. Dead healthy and filling. Have it will some rye bread with humous on if you need that bit extra. I always have porridge too in the morn with nuts/honey/jam anything I can chuck in really and my dinners are usually fish and chicken with salad inc sweet potato. Tonight I'm making a 'healthy' Thai Green curry.

I'm a right foodie as you can probably tell! And love learning about health benefits of food. Please don't worry about your weight though.

28-02-13, 18:53
If you have access to a microwave you could batch cook something like soup, curry & rice or spaghetti bolignese and put them in individual portions to take to work. You can make small portions if you choose. You could take ready meals, but cooking your own might be healthier.

There's nothing wrong with pizza or pie sometimes, especially as you eat fruit with them. And you're far from being overweight.

28-02-13, 19:03
Thanks guys.
Yes I was surprised at how much everything adds up.
My fav meals are breakfast and dinner. I love love love oatmeal with anything and look forward to it everyday!.
I did do a whole load of vege soup once but by Tuesday got bored of it and ended up with a tuna sandwich the next day. Tuna is the only thing I really like in a sandwich .
I do take a jacket potato sometimes with home made egg mayo normally.
I like the sound of the rye bread and hummus.

28-02-13, 19:30
You are my height, and if I did the conversion right, you weigh less than me. You have nothing to worry about weight-wise. Making healthy choices when eating is always not a bad idea. I have been trying to choose whole grains instead of white bread, pasta, etc if I am able to and incorporating more fruit and veggies.

Some people have faster base metabolisms, so you are one of the lucky ones! As long as you are just eating when you are hungry, nothing to worry about.

28-02-13, 19:34

This bit might be a bit gross.
But I tend to use the loo once or twice a week only? Is this a sign of a fast or a slow metabolism . I'm not quite sure what fast/ slow is? Does a fast one mean food goes straight for you!
Ill try not calculating my calories from now on as I know I'm eating when I need to and just focus on eating the right things.

Sundays is always a bit different.
I have a late big breakfast
Big dinner.
And a snack later on like cheese and crackers. I feel once a week that is ok.

28-02-13, 19:38
Fast metabolism just means your body burns off calories quicker than others. It's not a bad thing. I don't think how often you go to the bathroom has much to do with it. My doctor said that some people go every day, some people go twice a week, it's just what is normal for you as long as it doesn't bother you.

01-03-13, 10:20
I'm 5'6 and 8 stone 4. I see myself as slightly underweight and I'm aiming for 9 stone. You seem just about right and not overweight at all :)

01-03-13, 16:03
Thanks guys.

Today have had
Breakfast: porridge with oat clusters and dried strawberries.
Snack mid morning: Nutri grain milk and cereal breakfast biscuits
A banana

Lunch: Two slices toast with light philly cheese and marmite
Dinner tonight is chicken and chorizo pie (not home made) jacket potato. Fresh carrots, peas and sweetcorn and gravy.
Might have either a tin of fruit or a satsuma after dinner .

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

All I'm looking at is to maintain my weight as it is. I don't want to gain or lose anything as I don't need to.

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

I just want to enjoy my food and not count everything up :(.

02-03-13, 15:02
Today had porridge with dried cranberries, apple and raisins.
Lunch : chicken, salad, new pots olives and coleslaw . Ice cream.
Probably have a tuna sandwich and a piece of fruit later on

02-03-13, 16:38
You seem to be keeping a good balanced diet. If you were eating a lot of saturated fat or bad carbohydrates at that rate you could possibly put on weight but as you are keeping it healthy you really have nothing to worry about :)

02-03-13, 20:21
I try doesn't always happen.
I bought loads of chocolate today haha.

Had jam on toast and some strawberries this evening instead of the tuna sandwich I was gonna have haha.

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

Really want to buy a blender and make home made smoothies for lunch. I love shop bought smoothies but figured home made ones were healthier and can be made more feeling. Anyway to get protein into smoothies?

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:28 ----------

Was thinking lunches for work next week. Is This healthy?
In fridge I have a selection dip of salsa, sour cream and guacamole .
I can put in a box a few cocktail sausages, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, sliced peppers, and a few tortilla chips?
Probably have some fruit or a yoghurt after ?

02-03-13, 20:46
Hi there.
I'm 5 1 as well and I weigh over 12 stone, I am overweight. Before I put on this weight I was 9st 5 and that was a good weight, so at your weight and height I wouldn't worry too much unless you start to pile on the pounds.
My weight gain was due to my medication. Do you take meds that can make you gain weight? These are mainly anti-psychotics, they can make you crave carbs, which is what mine are doing to me, so I am currently on a diet.
As I say, you sound like you are doing fine :)

03-03-13, 01:49
You don't have to worry about your weight, for your height your weight is not a problem. So maybe just don't focus on weight, just focus on being healthier! I love my carbs as well!! I've always eaten wholemeal bread or mutligrain bread which is really good as seeds and grains are so good for you and yummy!! I don't eat wholemeal pasta at the moment as it's really expensive in Australia (I am travelling at the moment) but when I am home I eat it and also brown rice.

I do something called the 80/20 diet. The idea is that 80% of the time, (so I do this weekdays) eat as healthy as you can. So for breakfast maybe just skip the biscuits, and then have either porridge OR yoghurt..not both. And a piece of fruit is good. Then maybe you can have the yoghurt or a couple of biscuits for the mid morning snack. Lunch maybe try a grilled chicken salad, or the soup idea is also really good! Then for dinner, with you're wholemeal pasta or rice tuna is good, any fish..or chicken, turkey or lean red meat. Try to stay off processed meats and you're fine. Or if you are full up from lunch, then egg on toast is fine!! But maybe try poached egg as it is healthier than scrambled. And for an afternoon snack I'll have some fruit or nuts (almonds are my fav!)

Having 3 meals a day is really good for you, just make sure they are balanced and everything in moderation. Sometimes you may have a really big breakfast, small lunch then big dinner. Or small breakfast, big lunch and a snack for dinner. Just don't eat dinner too late or right before you go to bed.

Then the 20% is my weekends!! I allow myself chocolate (although I prefer dark chocolate, it's better for you and I don't scoff it down so quickly!!!) I also may have a take-away or share a bottle of wine with some friends..and if I'm at home some Sunday I'll have a big roast at my parents house!! :P But's only 2 days and it's my 20% so I'm allowed! lol. Some weekends I don't even have an excuse to treat myself so just carry on from the week, it all depends.

I never count calories, and you don't need to either. Just make sure you're picking healthier options, drink a lot of water and you'll feel happier about yourself. If you suffer from anxiety, a healthier diet is beneficial too. I am not a dietician, so you may find something different to suit you. This works for me, I do regular exercise (also helps anxiety) and then treat myself on the weekends! Hehe!!

I hope this helps, as you can tell, I love my food, especially my treats so I found a way to have them and be healthy! :P


---------- Post added at 01:49 ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 ----------

By the way, just read you're post about smoothies!! Yes do it!! I am picky about fruit because of the texture, but I put some strawberries, apple juice and natural yoghurt and blend it all together, yum!! Or try banana and strawberry, anything you want!! Get you're 5 fruit and veg a day with a smoothie!! Hehe!


03-03-13, 15:54
Thanks I allow my self choc on weekends to I'm a big fan...
Have had today
A chocolate crossaint. A yoghurt for breakfast.
A pack of crisps and a few chopped up bits of cheese with a can of coke at the pub haha (I only have fizzy drinks on the weekend) normally two cans one on a Saturday and one on a Sunday.
Dinner: chips, quiche, fried egg, a tomato, olives and coleslaw.
Desert: chocolate cake and ice cream.
Not exactly great but its Sunday I suppose back to normal tomorrow.
Probably have left over spag Bol for lunch.

I actually prefer brown bread to white so am lucky their and brown rice I prefer aswell.
I just get so stuck on lunch ideas. Tomorrow is left over spag Bol. Probably some fruit to.
Tuesday is tuna and sweetcorn sandwich and probably some more fruit. I think.

I want to stay away from the tinned ravoil and Heinz soups etc. think I might buy blender Tuesday night though. :/

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:38 ----------

How much apple juice and yoghurt do you put in your smoothie to make a decent sized portion I can have for lunch ???

04-03-13, 07:45
Yeah, lunches are hard sometimes, somedays when I'm at home with a day off, I can forget about lunch altogether (generally because I've had a big breakfast) but when I have work it's more difficult. Left over's are good, means you're not wasting food!! :P Soups, sandwiches, salads, rice crackers...maybe small baked potato.

As for smoothies, I have the recipe book that came with it, (my mum got a fancy one!) and I can't remember exactly the measurements as I'm abroad at the moment so don't have access to the book. But I use the internet lots too. Here's a good website:


Hope you have fun making smoothies! :)


04-03-13, 09:29
Hi Emma , gosh Hun, your fine a healthy weight for your height, have you tried milkshakes or smoothies when your peckish. Also seeds & nuts are great. Very good for you and great for snacking. :winks:

04-03-13, 18:23
I'm think tacos for lunch. Chicken, peppers, onions, tomatoes , cheese, salsa etc. can cook night before re hit in microwave and just take a wrap or taco into work. Sounds yummy to me. Can always switch the meats up if get bored with it.
Today had breakfast: porridge with dried apples, sultanas and cranberries. A yoghurt.
Snack: Handful of strawberries. A satsuma.
Lunch: Left over spaghetti Bol . Tin of peaches
Dinner: toad in the hole. Veggies.
Trying to stop calorie counting as I'm a normal weight!! So hard though. So scared of putting weight on.

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

Thanks for the website btw theirs some good ones on their.
I want to try strabwberries, banana, strawberry yoghurt and one small cup milk?
Also pineapple, peaches, mandarin segments and plain yoghurt.

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 18:22 ----------

Tommorow will have to be a boring tuna and sweetcorn sandwich though

05-03-13, 01:46
Decided on a tuna pasta salad type thing.
Tuna, pasta (one cup full) , sweetcorn, cherry toms, green olives and guacamole instead of mayo. Is that a lot of calories? I'm so so scared to eat this and and a evening meal :(.

05-03-13, 07:46
Don't be scared! That sounds yummy! And it's fine, maybe coz you've had pasta for lunch just make sure your dinner has little or no carbs. but you really don't have to be all that strict...like I said before, as long as you're diet is balanced and you're doing regular exercise..(even taking a walk somewhere, or if you don't want to go out, try a fitness dvd or if you have stairs in your house (and it doesn't make too much noise!) then do a couple of laps running up and down...I did this at home once, didn't realise my dad was taking a nap and got told off!!) Haha!


05-03-13, 21:03
Thanks luthein.
Have bought a food processor today so can hopefully do smoothies now from home.
Have realised its a food processor and not a blender though so hope it works just as same??...
Have also bought tacos. I don't like sandwiches. So can mix up thr fillings in the tacos.
Tommorow is chicken, pancetta, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, cheese and possibly sweetcorn.
Thinking ground beef and tuna and egg mayo can be decent fillings to with lots of veg.
Today been quite bad.
Had porridge and a yoghurt
Banana. Satsuma.
Lunch. Pasta, tuna, guacamole, tomatoes, tin of pinapple chunks.
Dinner: yoghurt and a banana.

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:47 ----------

Just binged on four cream eggs as I was hungry from not eating much at dinner :(

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

So wish I hadn't of eaten them now and wish I could get them out my body somehow :(

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

I know a couple of pounds won't hurt me though :(

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

Nearly 3,000 calories today :(

---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

I'll walk to and from work tommorow to make my self feel a bit better. :(

08-03-13, 18:23
Have made a meal plan for Monday/Tuesday as I'm either eating chocolate one day them starving my self the next as I feel guilty.

Breakfast: cornflakes/toast
Snack: piece of fruit.
Lunch: scrambled or boiled egg and ham tortilla wrap (salad).... Fruit smoothie (banana and strawberry (vanilla yoghurt) or pita bread
Dinner: tuna jacket potato with salad.

Breakfast: toast/cornflakes
Snack: cherry tomatoes
Lunch: chicken salad tortilla wrap or pitta bread. Fruit smoothie (banana and strawberry (vanilla yoghurt).
Dinner: ham, egg, chips and beans

Meal plan includes this. I have made a shopping lost so know exactly what I need to get tomorrow to eat next week.

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

Also if I starve all day I binge and binge after dinner.

Today breakfast at 5:30 three slices toast with Philly cheese and Marmite

Lunch: tin of big Heinz soup. Banana at 1:50 ish

Dinner: two lamp chops with potatoes and veg
Custard and tinned peaches

Not great i know. Have binged on chocolate the last few days aswell and really not proud of it :(

Tomorrow I plan:
Scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast.
Lunch: tuna salad tortilla wrap. Maybe a fruit smoothie.
Dinner: pie, peas and chips.

08-03-13, 18:31
I see this thread has turned into your daily meal diary lol.

You seem to have a pretty healthy diet to me :)

08-03-13, 18:59
I really don't want to get big at all. I like my size but with my current eating habits I may put on weight. Really need to start eating properly tomorrow :(

09-03-13, 16:07
Today had

Scrambled eggs toast.
Tuna wrap, tuna , cheese, tomatoes, olives and lettuce
Fruit smoothie. One banana, three strawberries and natural fat free Greek yoghurt.

I'm to scared to est my roast beef dinner :( I don't want to get fat. I'm so close to telling my dad I don't want any dinner tonight. I'd rather starve than become overweight.
When I say cereal I mean cornflakes. Their the least amount of sugar in them other than weetabix and porridge :(

I'm also scared that fruit is unhealthy....
All the sugar in fruit? Surely that is not good for you? Will I end up diabetic from eating fruit?

On one hand I want to eat as I'm scared ill collapse but I feel like I should starve my self...

Last week I binged and chocolate a lot and I really regret it.

Is it unhealthy to eat a fruit smoothie for lunch everyday with say a boiled egg on ryvitta bread or a can of tuna on ryvitta and maybe some cheese and lettuce and olives etc. Cornflakes and a small slice of toast for breakfast and then dinner later on.

I was considering an all fruit diet for three weeks to loose weight. But im scared all the sugar in fruit would make me very unhealthy and thr sugar in yoghurt to even if it is Greek natural fat free yoghurt :(.

I will have my roast beef tonight but I'm scared to :(.
I'm going to become fat I know it!

---------- Post added at 15:28 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

Even though the majority of the dinner will be veg and potatoes I'm still scared.
I've been shopping today but now I can't bear to do anything other than sleep as I'm to scared.

---------- Post added at 15:34 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

Have now come up with this idea

Breakfast: Cereal, two slices toast.
Lunch: Fruit smoothie. Boiled egg.

To start Monday. That way im not starving my self but am eating so little calories. That I wouldn't put weight on! But then I'd be scared of collapsing or doing my body some serious damage from not eating !

---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 15:34 ----------

I also don't want to die young from an unhealthy diet. Ill have a heart attack I think.

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

Will my body also store the energy I do give it if I don't eat right? ... And ill end up putting on more weight?

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:47 ----------

Think I'm going to red a book on my ipad and watch some tele tonight to try and distract my self but I'm to scared :(

09-03-13, 21:47
I fear ill become diebatic one day aswell :(

10-03-13, 19:11
Weighed my self on my nana's scales and I was 8.5 stone as opposed to mine which say 8 stone.
Have decided just to have packed lunches like when I was a kid.
So tomorrow is a : left over chicken wing. A hard boiled egg.
Cut up cucumber, olives and either cherry tomatoes or sliced red pepper. Or may cook some broccoli and cauliflower? Would that taste nice cooked and then eaten cold the next day? I can't stand it raw.
Strawberry s and cut up apple or tinned mandarins.
A small treat (breakaway bar or one chocolate digestive)

Now im worrying about lack of carbs do we need carbs in our diet?

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Didnt want to include carbs as I'm going to have one slice toast for breakfast and a homemade smoothie .
One banana
One tablespoon peanut butter
One small tub Greek natural fat free yoghurt. Yummy!

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:48 ----------

It's quite funny aswell because I can't think of a single food I don't like!
I was never a picky child loved everything and to this day still do. Ill eat anything. English, Thai, Chinese, Indian, hot spicy, bland. Ill eat things like sprouts , olives, liver and kidney.
Can't think of one thing I don't like!

11-03-13, 20:29
Not feeling good today.
Has a smoothie for breakfast,
One banana, one small tub fat free Greek natural yoghurt. One tablespoon peanut butter. About 300-350kcal.
One boiled egg- 96kcal. One small left over chicken wing. Green olives in a chilli piri piri sauce with fresh chilis. 6 cut up strawberries. A quarter of a red apple sliced. A small fudge bar.
Dinner: a BIG serving of chicken tikka masala. I feel bad as it was a sharwoods sauce so had lots of calories in it :(. Boil In the bag rice with tinned sweetcorn mixed on. It said half a bag was 225 kcal and I had about two thirds of the bad. The curry had chicken breast, pepper, onion, cherry toms, tomato purée, garlic purée and coriander in it.
Pudding: a muiller corner granola tropical fruit breakfast yoghurt.

---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Should of controlled my self and ate a smaller portion :(
At least what I ate was healthy ish though :(

13-03-13, 19:33
Today had one yoghurt and breakfast biscuit at 7:30am
Dinner at 6:30pm. Chicken fagitas. Chips. Veg.

I felt hungry until about 1pm when I think my body decided to give up sending my hunger signals as it started to think it was not going to get any food? Doed this mean its now trying to store more of my dinner thinking it may not be fed for 24 hours again? Bodies are so complex!

15-03-13, 04:08
I eat WAY more than you. I'm a healthy size 12. Enjoy your food. If you feel active and energised and healthy you're eating right. If you feel tired and low and bloated, you're eating wrong and maybe need to look at things. Food is a good thing, enjoy it. If you enjoyed it too much one say, do a little more exercise. Have fun with your food :-)