View Full Version : nearly on three weeks.....

28-02-13, 19:05
right, the negatives first....vivid weird dreams.... some so bizarre i had to check what was real in the morning and my wardrobe wasnt linked go narnia...or the england rugby teams dressing room...ahemm...

sex drive.....meh!, oh my..... have heard ginko biloba works well so will give it a go at the weekend!! :blush: lol

had a ' weird ' experience in tesco....( no horse jokes pls) suddnely felt that everything was getting noisy, uncomfortable, and i panicked and left the other half with the trolley.... it hasnt happened again since so bad, we went back to he shops again on sunday so it was ike getting back on a bike!!

mood has been up and down and at times have felt distant and disineterested..


side effects first thing are not as bad, no where near as bad, and although im not clikcing my heels im finding that dealing with stuff that would normally wind me up hasnt left me ruminating and getting flustered... nothing major but feels like someone has taken the sting out of things....odd!! fingers crossed things keep improving!!


01-03-13, 09:53
Sounds like a similar path to mine mate, except the dreams n the sex drive lol!
I felt i could deal with stuff better firstly then the up n down mood evened out...i was 8 weeks yesterday n although dont quite feel normal yet im less tired, mood more even, hardly any anxiety and finding it much easier to get through the day...sounds like your on the right path :) x x

01-03-13, 13:52
hi, today so far has been a good day, am back into work in two weeks, have blitzed the house, take. the dog out ( about to do it again!! poor dog! ) going to have a takeaway tonight , had a shave ( first i days) and long shower ....feel quite perky.... am just so darn cold!! lol cant get warm!!!

01-03-13, 16:51
Ive felt really cold at times..mind you i feel cold generally so hard to tell whats normal lol, good to hear you are getting out n doing stuff...how do you feel re returning to work? x x