View Full Version : health anxiety question.

09-09-06, 16:10
with health anxiety, i know that your constantly concerned about your health.
do you get sympoms differant all the time or can you get like one health worry and it lasts for weeks/months? usually i read posts and its like a new thing from the same person every few days, but i was just wondering if with health anxiety you can have the same symptoms/health concerns for months.
At one point my neck bothered me constantly. for like 3-4 months i was obssessed! i wouldnt turn my neck in fear that it would cease etc. then that passed, think it was tension and now its my legs, i dont think im active enough, so little ponder and getting up after a while is quite achey.
Becci x

09-09-06, 17:01
i managed to overcome my health anxiety to a certain extent but at its worse i used to obsess abut things for weeks or months then get over that but something else would worry me and i'd obsess over that.
i spent a few months being terrified of spontaneous combustion and checked my temperature constantly once i'd accepted that it wasnt going to happen i got obsessed by heart beat i thought it was too fast so checked my pulse all the time.
i'm not that bad with it now but still if i have a pain in the middle of the night i spend ages trying to convince myself i'm ok


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

09-09-06, 17:12

Mine like others, it's symtom after symtom.

My headaches lasted three years, then frequent urination lasted 6 months then other symtoms appear, which can last a week at a time.


09-09-06, 17:45
thanks guys! i know deep dwn that im ok, its just down to me not moving around etc. but when i get anxious about it, all i wanna do is sit down and dwell! i know the achey feeling, its familiar, maybe from when i was younger and been sat too long playing on the playstation etc then get up and your all stiff! But when you get anxiety, you swear that its something else in disguise!
Becci x

09-09-06, 19:09
i had a stomcahe issue for months but had all test done all came back neg it was all stress and for your neck i believe the same anxiety does so much to our bodys..............Linda[8D]

10-09-06, 10:42
well for me it has always for the past five years been my heart and always varients of the same complaints ie chest pain, palpitations, arm pain, tiredness etc etc etc

so yes it is possible


11-09-06, 16:39
Mine is normally a long term symptom too. Without sounding nasty but i come on here at times and people say i woke up this morning with this and that and the other and i think....try having something a little longer then you will really worry! I wish i hadnt had this or that symptom for months now! :D But then i remember i do get things that i instantly worry about. Quite often i will think they might be connected to the longer symptom ive been having & my mind goes into over drive. It varies for all of us over time doesnt it i guess.
c x

Pete to win Big Brother 7

12-09-06, 10:09
I have more long term health worries too. Mine are especially seasonal although I do have palpitations/heart concerns all year round.

I dread this time of year - when the nights draw in etc. For the last 4 autumn/winters, I have suffered from various health anxieties. Last year, I thought I had bowel cancer, the year before, a brain tumor, the year before that breast cancer. The anxiety usually lasts about 3 or 4 months or until I have completely exhausted all tests to prove to me that I am ok

Jo xx

12-09-06, 10:33
MIne is always mostly a brain tumour, or aneurysm, mainly head orientated.

Sometimes it develops to Lung/ mouth cancer but mainly head symptoms.

It does my head in (pun intended) This bout has lasted the longest of my anxiety.....9 months. It usually lasts only about 3-6 months max!

Slowly getting there!

Hay x

12-09-06, 21:00
My pain in my chest has been there for over 3 months, have had blood test, all ok, ECG, that was ok to, Dr has listened to my heart, again all ok, I am in no doubt that this will disappear only to be replaced with something else!!!

16-09-06, 16:44
thanks you guys! im still having the same symptoms, and as many of you guys proberbly do, i sit here thinking, but im differant! theres something wrong, i know it! the pains and cramps are still going on in my legs and i still swear its something terrible, even though im still not active, im a couch potatoe, to the max! thats prob why they ache. either that or a blood clot or low thyroid levels, or something else!
Becci x