View Full Version : eye concern please help

28-02-13, 20:14
Hi please could anyone give any advice I have been having eye symptoms for a while like floaters and tired eye symptoms I have been to opticians and all ok my concern at minute is when I watch TV and I am tired which is often with 2 small children I get where it feels like I am stareing and I have to almost make myself blink if that makes sense it frightensme so much I no people do stare of in space I no I am doing it and aware of everything I'm scared it is epilepsy or brain tumour please help is it Normal or not x toria z

28-02-13, 20:32
Im getting problems with my vision at the moment too.

When I blink at a bright background, like the sky, tv or computer screen i get a little flash like when a camera has been flashed in your eye. It lasts a few mins then fades. I have had a through eye test on Mon but they said all is ok.

Its really getting me down and stressing me out as I can't stop worrying about it:unsure:

28-02-13, 20:40
Hi toria
I have similar probs and also am tired alot with a young toddler too. I often find myself stareing aswell I think we are just overtired:-) I also have loads of eye floaters which are really anoying so your not alone. In sure its nothing serious xx

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

I have that flash of light aswell when I blink sometimes it happens just outta nowhere aswell. Ive also been to the hospital to have an eye dilation and tests, and everything was normal I was told it could be migraines without headache but this was back in 2011 x

28-02-13, 20:41
Hi I also get that I think we focus on something and then even normal things feel wrong to us and we worry and make it worse anxiety is a horrible thing, thanks for replying toria x

28-02-13, 20:43
No wonder you are tired out- you have two small kids! Are you getting enough sleep? I know it is an obvious question but it really does have a massive effect on our general well-being and our vision. I find I space out in front of the telly if I am shattered, I reckon a lot of us do. I also get floaters. I don't notice them very often, usually when it is sunny and I am looking at a white wall or something like that. I have had them for at least 15 years so if they were a sign of anything more serious, I think I would have had other symptoms by now.

Opticians' exams are very thorough. Obviously they don't test for every possible illness there but the eyes are very revealing when it comes to our health so if anything at all of concern showed up, I am sure the optician would have told you.

It doesn't sound like anything serious at all, just like you need to sleep a little more. I am sure stressing about this doesn't help either. I am definitely not one to talk about being relaxed about our health, I have terrible HA at times, but one thing I do know is that my health seems much worse when I haven't been sleeping well.

Hugs to you, Toria xxx

28-02-13, 20:44
One gp said it could be occular migraine. I think that tiredness does makes it worse. I have two children (4 & 7) and during the last 5 weeks they have picked up every bug going at school! We've had cold/flu type virus 3 times!!! and my son was sent home from school yesterday with the sick bug-I'm knackered!!

28-02-13, 20:54
Thankyou so much for your reply your right I don't get enough sleep I gave up work to look after my kids and boy its a harder job than anything I have done before I think I am stressed out and I worry about everything, I am so glad you have said you feel the same it ihas made me feel so much better I am going to try not to focus on it , thanks so much again and hugs to you for reply x toria x

04-03-13, 14:55
This thread is good to read as eye symptoms seem to be a very commonly linked to anxiety.
I find myself something having to break off from a stare if I focus to hard on something, it feels like I have drifted away and it scares me sometimes (feels as if I'm asleep but awake).
And damn Balls of light look so bright to me and flashes of light..

The only thing I don't mind are the floaters I used to like chasing them as a kid..

I have an appointmenton the 15th to see a Eye Specialist at my local hospital as I woke blind in my left eye only for about 5 minutes but it scared the life out of me.

But most eye symptoms can be caused but migraines and I believe things like TMJ can cause eye disturbances.