View Full Version : Coping Strategies

28-02-13, 20:23
hi everyone!

i'm going to london this weekend with a couple of friends, and i'm really stressed out about. going on the tube, being in huge crowds of people, being trapped and getting lost in an unfamiliar place is already making me nervous and i'm not even there yet!
i don't want to have a huge panic attack in front of them because they aren't aware of my problem, and it would just be awful!

currently my way of trying to calm down when i feel one coming is breathing in through my mouth and out through my nose, but recently this strategy hasn't been giving me any relief from the anxiety building up to a panic attack.

i was wondering if anyone had any tips or things that they used when they feel an attack coming on?

sorry to ask and thank you <3

28-02-13, 20:31
Hey Hun here are some coping statements I keep them on my phone to look at when I feel it coming x


Anxiety is normal
Panic is simply high levels of anxiety
Everyone experiences anxiety and panic at times
Anxiety and panic are not dangerous
Anxiety is designed to protect us and is not harmful
By remembering these symptoms are nothing more than anxiety, I can prevent a cycle of panic occurring
I can tolerate the symptoms of anxiety and panic without them getting out of control
Slowing my breathing down can help me to control my anxiety and panic
My anxiety and panic will pass naturally given time � it doesn't last forever
I can continue without using escape, avoidance or safety behaviours
I don't always have to feel in complete control
I've never fainted, choked, gone mad, or had a heart attack before
People can't tell how anxious I feel

28-02-13, 20:41
thank you! i used to have list like that that i carried in my bag but i lost it, so this is brilliant, thank you so much <3

28-02-13, 20:51
Ahh that's okay Hun you will have such a good time ! X

28-02-13, 21:49
wow hun i could have wrote this post two weeks ago haha!! i went to london two weeks ago with my partner for the weekend and was terrified about the tube etc!! I took my rescue remedy which i think helped loads! your friends will be talking etc so thatl keep u distracted! - youll have a awesome time!! the tube was fine i found u get everywhere so quick u dont really have enough time to work yourself up. xxxx

28-02-13, 21:55
aw brilliant! i'm glad you had a good time too! thank you! <3