View Full Version : Can't sleep for more than five minutes in a row

28-02-13, 20:53
I did not sleep last night due to a panic attack that lasted the whole night. Now I find myself falling asleep without my "consent" and waking up a minute later. And when I try to sleep, I end up sleeping 5 minutes tops and waking up to a rapid heart rate. I guess I'm too stressed out. What do you think I should do?

28-02-13, 21:11
Annie H, I am in exactly the same situation as you. Last night I was woken up after 2 hrs sleep with a major panic attack which lasted the rest of the night. Called NHS Direct and even managed to get a hold of my out of hours doc. His advice? Go for a run around the block - at 3am! I know exercise is a good way of getting rid of adrenaline but my neighbours will think I'm totally bonkers :)

I'm sitting here dreading going to bed because last night was so horrific. I hope someone can give you some better advice and reassurance than me but at least you know someone else is going through it too xxx

28-02-13, 22:53
Wow I remember this like it was yesterday. In fact it was 2006, and it was awful. I love my sleep and for that to be removed, which is what I felt at the time, was going to send me over the edge. I am glad to say I'm still here and like everything in anxiety you should accept it and allow your body to try sleep and if after 20 mins you can't sleep then get up and read a book etc... I also found changing the time I retired to bed, To the point try to stay up until the early hours, keep reading and don't let yourself go to bed, do this for a week and you will find that because you deny your body sleep it will react the opposite way. Works for me. Most important thing is to keep really relaxed and accept.

I wont wish you luck because you don't need any as it will work.


28-02-13, 23:32
Thanks guys, I feel less hopeless!