View Full Version : me again

09-09-06, 17:26
Hi everyone aint really posted for a while which i suppose can be seen as a good thing but im still having health anxiety problems. My sister has just booked me and her a holiday to spain in october and im nervous about going incase i need to go hospital or something terrible happens. Then me and my mates are organising a big group holiday next year to malaga and again im nervous incase i need help out there. is this just my imgaination playing games.

I cant get rid of the lightheadedness, tight chest, Feeling unreal, hot flushes, and it scares me big time. Is anyone avaliable to give me wise words and chat with me xx

09-09-06, 18:45
well heres a tip for ya what i do check out where the hospitals are where your going that always helped me and never had to go just knowing made me feel better u can do it ,,,,,,,,,best to ya........Linda[8D]

09-09-06, 21:49

You survived last time and you will the next time.

Remember how bad you felt about going on the cruise yet you did it and loved it!!

You will be fine next time too.


10-09-06, 11:27
**is this just my imgaination playing games.**

Yes. Its your 'what if's' kicking in.

Think through just how you cope with your anxiety here. Out there will be no different. You will be with family nad you will probably be so distracted with doing lovely things that the time will fly by.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

10-09-06, 16:21
Hi there, you can and will do it, you felt so awful before your last holiday, and look how well you coped, read some of your old posts, and see how fantastically well you coped. Good luck my darling and just go for it!!!!! xxjean