View Full Version : Major Heart problem... please Im afraid to go to bed :(

28-02-13, 21:18
Hi all

This week ive been very bad. Ive had to go stay with my mum in Devon as the anxiety is sky high. Ive been shaking and getting lots of panic attacks. My partner ison the verge of leaving me and Im scared Im going to lose my job because of it.

Tonight it's all come to a head. I think Im going to die.

Basically Ive been taking citalopram 10mgs for 3 weeks and now this week moved up to 20mgs. This is to help overcome my severe anxiety. I also take esomeprozole (for tummy acid) and have found out today (google) that these have a MAJOR interaction.... It says it can raise the amount of citalopram in your body which can cause a heart problem called Long Q T syndrome. This has symptoms of palpitations, dizziness, and gasping in sleep....ALL THINGS I HAVE BEEN GETTING THIS WEEK.

This long qt thing can kill you, as it causes irregular heart rhythm.

I am so so scared. I have told my mum (Im a 29 yr old woman and feel like a child) and she has tried to calm me down and tell me that I cant spend my life going to hospital and it's my severe heightened anxiety thats causing these symptoms but i am so so scared. What if its not? Ive been waking up in the nightthis week gasping for air... and now this all makes sense. I get REALLY dizzy, even when i feel fine, and it now fits - i have this long q t sydrome caused by the citalopram and the esomeprozole.

I have been on citalopram before. In fact I was on it (sometimes at a higher dose) for years, and didnt have this problem... but now I feel this must be what it is.

Please someone help Im scared of even falling asleep tonight because of this.....


28-02-13, 21:33
Hi Charlotte,

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this, It really is horrible and I have had many similar worries.

The issue with Long QT syndrome and Citalopram is not as common as you think. It is only an issue in people over 60 and people on much higher doses. I dont think mixing any drug can increase the amount of Citalopram in your system as they are different drugs, so im not sure where you read that.

If there was any danger then your doctor would not perscribe you Citalopram.

I know its hard but just try and stay calm. You could give your doctor a call in the morning and ask about the worries you have or even call NHS direct, they will be able to answer your questions and reassure you that the drugs you are taking are safe.

It is very likely that anxiety is causing these symptoms and not the drugs.

Hope you start to feel better soon :)

28-02-13, 21:36
I have checked this out and it is fine taken together in doses of 20mg or less citalopram. It is more of a risk if 40mg or more is taken. I am assuming your GP has prescribed these medications and he would not have prescribed them if they were are risk. I agree with your Mum that it will be anxiety giving you these symptoms.

28-02-13, 21:44

This is where it all started.... and ive escalated from there. My chest is tight, getting palps, dizzy spells. I hate this. How do I know what is anxiety and what is something that might kill me??? Im on 20mgs citalopram and 20mgs esomeprozole. I hope im ok... Thankyou so muchx

Daisy Sue
28-02-13, 21:47
Hi Charlotte.. first of all, it's very unlikely that you're in any danger, due to the fact that you're not exceeding 20mg Citalopram.. I've just been reading a link on the two drugs interacting, and it recommends for doctors not to prescribe over the 20mg Cit alongside the Esomeprazole.

However, as much as I agree with your mum that we can't keep on rushing to A&E for every health worry we have, in this case I would certainly want to talk to someone to ask what to do.. not in an emergency kind of way, but for advice and information only.

If, as you suspect, you're getting the dizziness and palpitations purely because you've gone up from 10mg to 20mg on the Citalopram, then you need to be advised whether to continue taking both these drugs together, or not... it does say you shouldn't just stop either of them.

Maybe it would be safe to go back down to 10mg until you can talk to your doctor, or if you're really worried, give NHS Direct a call tonight.

28-02-13, 21:50
Yes but you didn't read all off it I did...I read the professional part which clearly states in doses of more than 40 mg. Don't worry you will be fine. My daughter is a pharmacologist and often checks for me. :hugs::hugs:

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

I agree with Daisy Sue, if it will make you feel better go down to 10 mg again until you can speak to your doctor but he wouldn't have prescribed it is it could be dangerous :hugs:

28-02-13, 21:55
Thankyou, DaisySue. I have been getting this dizziness very often to be honest, before I was on the 20mgs, and I have had palps all my life really, but they are bad at the moment. It's the sudden waking up gasping for air that's really got me in a state. I just thought that even though Ive been having huge panic attacks for the past 7 days, it MUST be this 'Long Q T syndrome' thats caused it.

In the past Ive had numerous ecgs (in hospital), an echo (normal but the left ventricle was on the very UPPER limit of normal) ad just had a 24hr monitor which im waiting for the results from.

It all seems SO real, that this is it. It all stems from 18months ago when a surgeon tore my spleen in a routine camera operation (looking at my womb). I woke up and he didnt even know he'd done it. He didnt believe me when I said I was in excruitiating pain, and it wasnt until I was near death (the anaesthetist told me there was a good chance I wouldnt survive the 2nd op)that they realised I was in serious trouble. I have a huge scar across mywhole tummy, I was in ITU and had 2 blood transfusions.... SO now I get very very worried and fear for my life when something happens.

I will ring gp in the morning, but i cant see him as im in devon at mums (i live in the north east).I just really hope that this IS anxiety, as the diagnosis I have just given myself seems so real right now :(


28-02-13, 21:59
I am not surprised you are so anxious after going through all that bless you..that must have been horrendous for you so I can understand why you are panicking about these things. Your symptoms do all seem anxiety related though but if taking the meds is making you more anxious still then speak to your gp again. I must stress though that you will be in no danger from them tonight. I live in NE too :D :hugs: xx

28-02-13, 22:08
Thankyou, Annie :) Im sitting in bed now my heart rate is unusually low for me (78-84, usually even in bed its 90-100) and now Im panicking my heart is giving up. Can citalopram relax you so much that it can reduce heart rate? See, am in such a state tonight.

I feel as if theres a big ball inside my chest. Am so nervous.

Thankyou again

p.s i live near Darlington

28-02-13, 22:09
I will pm you :D

Daisy Sue
28-02-13, 22:35
I hope you can calm down enough to get a decent night's sleep, Charlotte, and yes I think you're being very sensible & not rushing into anything tonight, but planning to speak to your doctor tomorrow.

I just wanted to say that dizziness was always one of my worst anxiety symptoms - without any drugs to complicate matters - so it's hard to tell what's what sometimes.

I would say that your current heartbeat is a good normal rest rate, so look on that as a positive :)

28-02-13, 22:59
did you get your mp3 charlotte?

28-02-13, 23:25
Yes thankyou, I did - but am at my mum's at the moment using her rubbish laptop and it wont let me play it! Could use it now to be honest. Thankyou again will listen when I get back home in a few days xx

28-02-13, 23:35
Yes thankyou, I did - but am at my mum's at the moment using her rubbish laptop and it wont let me play it! Could use it now to be honest. Thankyou again will listen when I get back home in a few days xx
i'm sure it will help you,try not to worry too much things will get better :yesyes:

01-03-13, 00:03
Well am still awake. Feel so much pressure in my chest and feel dizzy.

I hate this x