View Full Version : lung nodules

28-02-13, 21:32
Ct scan has shown a 4mm module in left lung and 5mm in right. I have to have rescan in 4 months. Going to be terrified for 4 months now. Partner barely speaking as he said I shouldn't have scan in the first place.

Don't know how to get through this.

Trying to be positive that if modules are cancer they will catch it early if Im being monitored unless modules are metastises from elsewhere.

Feel sick and scared.

28-02-13, 21:39
Can I just say this time last year my dad went into hospital with a terrible pain he had in his chest for about 5 weeks, they took him straight for a ct scan as they thought he had a blood clot, the doctor called them both into a room and told them there and then it was lung cancer, in both lungs there were nodules, they gave him antibiotics just I case and he had to come back in a week for a biopsy, the doc said 100% was cancer, when he went back they wouldn't do the biopsy as the nodules had shrunk , obviously cancer doesn't shrink ! What he had was an infection now is 100% fine, it was the worst time of my whole entire life . The doctor told us that ct scans pick up so so many benign things as they can pick up tiny tiny things, the nodules could be scar tissue from a previous infection, also If they were concerned you'd be straight in, my dad was called back within a week, no way would they leave you 4 months. X take care x

28-02-13, 21:54
Thank you x Trying to stay positive x

01-03-13, 14:28
Im getting desperate here. Can't possibly go 3 months like this. I dont want these modules. Multiple ones are worse that solitary, usually metastases from elsewhere. Just want answers now.

I have no idea how to get through this.[COLOR="blue"

01-03-13, 14:29
I am so sorry they are making you wait and watch, that sounds very anxiety-provoking and stressful. :hugs:

Are you able to get a second opinion from another doctor who might be more thorough?

01-03-13, 14:37
Im seeing my gp Monday. Dr I spoke to last night said I should be reassured as lots of people have modules, they just dont know about them. Im hoping if it is the big c that its just in lungs and will be caught early. Its just so long to wait. It will be almost impossible for me to function for all that time

01-03-13, 15:01
Hi andrea,

Sorry to hear you're having to wait so long, I can understand how stressful it is but from a medical point of view it probably means they aren't too concerned. A close relative of mine had a ct scan last year, a nodule was found, then they had to wait months for another scan. The reason they make you wait so long is just because they want to see if there's any growth as at the moment they're too small to indicate what they are.

Although there is a slight chance it could be cancer, it's far more likely they're caused by other things. For example, a previous infection can cause them. My relatives GP has one himself and said a lot of people do, it's just that because the technology they use is better now, the smaller nodules are picked up hence why they rescan in a few months. Of course it's natural to worry but just bear in mind that the chances genuinely are that it's nothing serious and even if it was, the nodules are so small it would be treatable. Hopefully the gp will reassure you on Monday :hugs:

01-03-13, 15:52
Oh lost 2010.. thank you so much. I just dont know how to get through the waiting and I could kick myself for having scan at all. Ignorance is bliss etc! I just hope there's mo growth, better still they go altogether. I did have a bad cough last week so hopefully it was just an infection and the scan was badly timed and picked them up. Dr yesterday did say lots of people have them and dont know because they have no cause to
have a scan

What was the outcome for your relative?

Thanks again x

01-03-13, 19:29
Hi andrea,

My relative was fine thanks, nothing horrible there at all, apparently the nodules can come after an infection and stay there so that's all it was luckily. Can understand your concern because waiting for the second scan is anxiety inducing and would be for everyone. Just need to find away to manage it so you don't drive yourself crazy waiting for it :)

01-03-13, 20:09
Thats the problem. I dont know how to manage it and not go crazy


01-03-13, 20:25
It is tough, perhaps allow yourself a set amount of time each day to worry about it and then ignore it when it comes into your mind?? Easier said than done I know. In some ways you have less to worry about now that the Doctors are dealing with it, you're not on your own worrying about it, they're the professionals and they're sorting it so perhaps try and look at it that way. If they had any concerns they wouldn't leave it, the fact that you're waiting for the scan means they're as confident as they can be that it's nothing serious.

If it helps, my relative is in her 70s and was a smoker until about 15 years ago and even in that situation they said how unlikely it would be for the nodule to be cancer.

01-03-13, 22:36
Why did they say it was unlikely, because of the size? Im more worried because theres two and it could be mets from somewhere else. I know small ones are less likely to be can er but I dont know if the same applies if there's multiple ones. I hoped multiple meant loads but its 2 or more. Also read if they're in both lungs its dodgy


---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

I joined a medical forum and was told the vast majority of small lung modules are benign. Just have to keep telling myself that.

02-03-13, 00:31
Because of the size (and my relative's was slightly bigger than the nodules you have so hopefully that's reassuring?) and purely because they're so so common. So many get picked simply because the scanners they use are better than the ones they had a few years ago. Better technology means more is picked up as smaller things are visible. As nodules are so common and at such a small size they don't indicate anything bad, they don't need to do anything other than keep an eye on them every few months.

Obviously you're not going to be 100% relaxed about it until you've had the second scan and you know for sure but take some comfort in the fact that the statistics genuinely show that the vast majority aren't anything to worry about and don't require treatment of any kind.

02-03-13, 12:49
Thanks again for the comments. It really helped

02-03-13, 18:50
Im not even worried about lung cancer now. Im worried these nodules are mets from somewhere else. No idea what to do. Can't possibly get through 4 months until next ct scan

02-03-13, 20:44
My dad had 5 accross both lungs x

02-03-13, 21:14
Thanks Rebecca x

11-03-13, 22:58
Driving myself mad here. Even if I can get scan at 3 months thats so far away. Am trying to carry on as normal but when Im home on my own in the mornings its really hard.

12-03-13, 13:24
It's awful waiting I know - but to try and calm yourself you have to try and rationalize (which I know is so so hard) I had to do this whilst waiting for a brain scan - I really didn't know how I was going to cope but just had to say to myself that there was nothing I could do, the drs know what they are doing and that if I panicked for the months ahead it would feel like it was taking even longer. So I tried to keep my days busy. Hard I know.

P.s My mother in law had this and turned out it was a benign growth :D

12-03-13, 20:10
Did she just have one? Having more is the problem. More than one is more likely for mets from a tumour elsewhere.

Im ok at work but mornings Im home alone and Googling

13-03-13, 12:29
No I think there were a few- she was worrying for months too x

13-03-13, 17:06
Thank you mogwog. I needed that x

16-03-13, 17:57
Still here! Up one minute and down the next. If anyone knows anyone who had multiple nodules, especially both lungs, please let me know. Google says its usually mets from a cancer elsewhere but I have no symptoms of a cancer anywhere, just these nodules.

Im fairly calm considering.

30-05-13, 18:23
Anyone know anybody else who had multiple lung nodules please?

Still out of my mind with worry.

11-06-13, 11:06
Ct scan on Sunday. Those of you who have read my posts please cross your fingers for no growth of these nodules.


11-06-13, 22:57
Thinking of you and I`m sure all will be well. If they suspected anything serious, you would not have been left for 4 months x

11-06-13, 23:07
Hope you are ok.

12-06-13, 09:11
Oh lost 2010.. thank you so much. I just dont know how to get through the waiting and I could kick myself for having scan at all. Ignorance is bliss etc! I just hope there's mo growth, better still they go altogether. I did have a bad cough last week so hopefully it was just an infection and the scan was badly timed and picked them up. Dr yesterday did say lots of people have them and dont know because they have no cause to
have a scan

What was the outcome for your relative?

Thanks again x

Ignorance is certainly bliss - I wish I could be one of these people!

12-06-13, 19:24
I have been following your posts Andrea and hope all goes well for you on Sunday . :hugs:

12-06-13, 20:06
Thanks for the replies people


12-06-13, 20:43
Hi Andrea, my grandad has nodules on both lungs around five mm and 4 mm, he was really worried about them and like urself had a long wait in between growth scans ... And all they turnt out to be we're scarring from infection xxx try not to worry I know it's not easy but we can't predict the unknown, all the best for Sunday let us know how u get on xxx hugs 50

13-06-13, 08:34
Thats great to bear thank you. Same size as mine. So there was no change in size at follow up?

Thank you for replying