View Full Version : tremors anyone?

09-09-06, 18:28
im after some advice plz, i have been having mild tremors in my upper body and legs for a while. but just recently they are quite strong- not shakiness where you hold out your hand and it is noticable i,ve tried this and you cant see nothing. its as if my skeletons trembling if you know what i mean. it doesnt last for long, but i have read that ad,s can give you this, or even WORSE parkinsons disease, i know its prob just a symptom of anxiety and it doesnt bother me much but if its the ad,s i dont really want to change or stop taking them cos of this. i had blood tests 4 mnths ago and one of the tests was my nervous system, if i had any disease do you think it would have shown up then?
sorry to ramble. i do go on a bit lol.[:o)]


we are all stronger people after having this

09-09-06, 19:27
yes i believe it would i get like shaky inside but ya cant see it its the nerves awful feeling but like ya say it does pass.............Linda[8D]

10-09-06, 19:58
I get this too, its annoying but its not harmful. Just the nerves. Try not to worry about it.

All the best

Mandy xxxx

positive attitude brings positive results

11-09-06, 11:56
I get it whenever I am feeling down,or when I think of things ive done wrong, or when I think about what could go wrong. Its incredible that there is no movement there at all when you feel like your really shaking. It can get so bad that it physically hurts sometimes, so probably your right, just anxiety, no harm in mentioning it to your GP tho is there.
take care..........