View Full Version : Sheffield Adult Aspergers Support Group

28-02-13, 23:04
Hi all,

I am a member of staff for the upcoming aspergers support group for adults. We are in the process of finalising certain details and have received training and support from the National Autistic Society. If you believe you have aspergers or know someone who might, you need to read this.

Aspergers is a high-functioning form of autism which is poorly understood by the media and the general public.

People with aspergers can find it very difficult to connect with or understand other people as they do not have an innate understanding of some types of social behaviour. They also evidence obsessional thoughts and behaviour patterns. This often leads to isolation, a sense that the world is against you, under-achieving in life and of course our old friends anxiety and depression.

On the other hand, aspergers are usually very independently-minded and are known for being free thinkers, unable and unwilling to be brainwashed by the media and contemptuous of following the trend. (They're not "iPhone zombies".) This makes them stand out in this age of conformity, and their thinking style utterly confounds "fashion victims" and/or people who lack depth.

Aspergers are ferociously and passionately loyal, the friendships they do have are deeper and stronger than usual (e.g. could be described as an "intense connection"), plus of course they have the famous and rather extraordinary ability to KNOW things.

Nobody can really compete with an asperger's thirst for knowledge and learning. Aspergers tend to learn to read earlier and more easily than others, they can be relied on to know very specific details of favoured subjects and those who successfully get on in life can do very big things. (Think Bill Gates and Richard Branson.)

Oh, and two aspergers will always recognise one another: they'll be the ones locked in a deep, intense, life-changing conversation for two hours while everyone else stumbles around on the dance floor drunk!

I'll post more details as I get them, but anyone who thinks they might have aspergers or who are supporting people who do should reply in this thread.

The worst part about being aspergers is feeling there is a gulf between you and the rest of the world that can never be bridged.

You are not alone. You were never alone. There are people who do give a damn. YOU can give a damn again. There is hope and you do have a future of happiness and success.

Join us!