View Full Version : Now my doc wants HIV and hepatitis tests

01-03-13, 03:59
So as my gynae sent a report to my GP saying he didn't think my night sweats were hormonal I've now had to have an HIV and Hep B and C tests. I'm terrified now that they're going to be positive even though it's very unlikely. It's one thing after another I can't cope much more, I really can't.

01-03-13, 04:48
It's common to rule out the serious stuff first. I went to the GP a few years ago complaining of general tiredness and he did a chest x-ray and said it was to rule out the bad stuff and then the problem doesn't become as urgent.

01-03-13, 05:01
Thank you Justin. I realise that they're trying to rule everything out as they have no idea what is causing my night sweats. But I'm really scared one of these tests is going to come back with something bad. I have these blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound on Thursday next week and my period this month still hasn't stopped on day 10.

I'm now worried about HIV, Hepatitis B and C, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer (even though I had a clear pap smear about eight months ago) brain tumour (I'm worried that this will affect my hormones and cause my never ending period though I haven't googled and don't even know if this is possible) I'm just at my wits end. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

01-03-13, 07:44
chick, I know you're stressed. I don't care what the gyno said. I still wouldn't rule out menopause or perimenopause.
HIV is laughable. You don't have that. hepatitis? Extremely unlikely. Your scan showed no inflammation of the liver I'll bet my left knacker (not my right one though:D) that it's hormonal. I really do.

01-03-13, 09:31
I have just had bloods done for hepatitis and different viruses because my liver function test was abnormal. I am waiting for an ultrasound scan of my liver. I am beside myself too, I am also having night sweats, nausea, loose bowels etc. All my other bloods were ok. I know how you feel.

02-03-13, 09:58
Thanks for the replies. I really hope you are right. I know it's unlikely, well virtually impossible, that I have HIV but it doesn't stop me worrying now I've had the tests. I'm dreading going in for the results next week. It just seems to be one thing after the other at the moment :(

02-03-13, 10:23
I phoned down for mine yesterday after a week and mine were back and all ok. Just got to wait for ultrasound now.
Can i ask what problems you have been having eek to get tested for these?

02-03-13, 10:42
I phoned down for mine yesterday after a week and mine were back and all ok. Just got to wait for ultrasound now.
Can i ask what problems you have been having eek to get tested for these?

Night sweats. My doctors can't find anything that's causing them so they're doing loads of tests to rule out all the bad things it could be. I've had heaps of other blood tests, a chest and abdo CT scan, hormone tests all came back normal so my doc decided he should try the HIV and hepatitis.

02-03-13, 11:51
Sounds like your GP is a good one. He is doing a great job.
The tests will come back fine. Please believe me.

04-03-13, 06:48
Yay the blood tests from my GP came back all clear :D Now I just have the ultrasound and the blood tests from my gynae to go.