View Full Version : Fluoxetine and bleeding gums

01-03-13, 08:33
Has anyone noticed their gums bleed at random times? Should I worry about this? I brush my teeth regularly and rinse with corsadine daily mouth wash yes I have random bleeding of my games quite regularly throughout the day? :/

Sometimes I can pull my finger out of my mouth and the end is wet with blood :S I know the rare side effects can be increased bleeding of gums etc which worries me as I have a peptic ulcer so don't want that to bleed.

Advice please? :)

01-03-13, 09:55
Call your presribing doctor and seek advice or even your dentist personally i havent experienced this n dont know what to advise x x

miss diagnosis
01-03-13, 11:17
I had my gums cleaned by the hygenist as i had gum disease and they stopped bleeding altogether but last week i got a popcorn kernal stuck between my teeth and the bleeding was unreal.

try the stronger corsodoyl..also there is a gel in boots called gengigel.its brilliant stuff.

01-03-13, 17:18
might be just a coincidence with the fluoxetine....I get bleeding gums sometimes but my hygienist recommended those little pokey things for between your teeth as even though I use an electric toothbrush and mouthwash I was still getting the plaque build up and those interdental things stop it building up and stop gum bleeding which can lead to gum disease.

04-03-13, 11:02
Yeah I think it was a coincidence as I have stepped up my oral hygiene, (spit don't rinse, brushing the gums more and the gum line) I also floss a lot more thoroughly and use Corsodyl.

Thanks guys :)