View Full Version : SEVERE pain in groin area. Need help ASAP.

01-03-13, 15:04
I'm in bed doubled over and on my phone writing this at the moment because the pain is SOO bad. The pain is moving. First it radiated into my back, then my sides, then the left side of my groin, now in the middle again. It's extremely tender and hurts even more when I push in my groin area. It came on so suddenly which frighten me.

Now, the pain is coming on and off in waves and I still can't move without it hurting really bad.

My parents think it's constipation when I know it isn't. In the past week I've been having very frequent urination and feeling like I need to go all the time so I suspect it's related to my kidneys/bladder.

My Mum said she will call the doctors out if it's still there in an hour.

I'm really scared because I think it's cancer or something really serious. Please help!

01-03-13, 16:02
I don't think it's anything serious. I'll go along with the constipation idea as it can create humongous pain - has it been a while since you've been?
Wait an hour and see if it improves and try changing possition and moving around.

01-03-13, 18:32
I doubt it would be a hernia as firstly there would be a pronounced bulge and generally no pain just a bit of discomfort.

How are you feeling now ? Have you seen a doctor ?

01-03-13, 19:27
Hi guys.

Yeah, I'm a lot better now. It seemed to disappear on its own after lying in one position for 30 minutes. It was really scary and I still have a bit of pain now when I get up suddenly but it's no where near as bad as it was earlier.

I also think it's constipation now as I have not been for a few days, but never have I had pain that bad before.

04-03-13, 19:30
You could be experiencing Irritable Bowl Syndrome [IBS]. The pain can be slight or extremely painful. Even trapped gas can be excruciating. Glad you are better though. x