View Full Version : Just looked inside our kettle?

01-03-13, 16:35
Hello everyone have just looked inside our kettle and its full of like scale. I don't normally take the lid off but it's really bad and I drink lots of water from it. Am going to get some descaler but just had a cup of tea from it and am now worried about it? Theirs lots and lots of it

01-03-13, 16:38
You probably live in a hard water area and it will be lime scale, My Grandma's kettle used to be full of it..it won't harm you...she lived to 97 so it did her no harm!

01-03-13, 16:40
I get the same in my kettle, as Annie says it is lime scale. It makes a mess of my washing machine too.

01-03-13, 16:40
Yes mum mentioned we live in hard water area :)
Can feel something sharp in throat after my cuppa and that's what worried me . Thank you.

01-03-13, 16:58
Emma do not worry, you could scrape it off their side of the kettle and eat it if you wanted, it cannot possibly do you any harm it is the minerals being boiled out of the water, much better to live in an area of hard water, much better for your heart.

01-03-13, 21:36
If you drink cold water, you are drinking it in the water. It's not at all harmful.

The only harm it could do is to your kettle :)

02-03-13, 01:30
hi Em.ma

I've got lime scale as well- it is no big deal here in Canada- we all have it !
You can get that off your kettle just by filling your kettle with white vingegar and letting it sit overnight.
In the morning the lime scale will have flaked off and be floating in the vinegar or you just have to use a scrub brush and clean it off.

02-03-13, 02:13
What are your thoughts on trying a glass kettle? My kettle got rusty so I replaced it with glass. It's nice for blooming tea.


You probably live in a hard water area and it will be lime scale, My Grandma's kettle used to be full of it..it won't harm you...she lived to 97 so it did her no harm!

02-03-13, 21:38
Hi everyone.
I didn't even know what caused it until now!
Thank you for your advice I feel a lot better now about it :)