View Full Version : advice on shakes please

01-03-13, 22:24
hi can anyone give me some advise on how they deal with their shakes

my shakes feel like my ribs are shakeing especially on the left side where my heart is i used to think it was palputations but it isnt its just the shakes realy fast and it seems to come and go and can last for ages

any way anyone got any advice on what causes this and what they do to ease this symptom would be much appreciated as this is one symptom i cant seem to get red of :unsure:
many thanks frosty x

02-03-13, 15:35
Any ideas please it's getting annoying grrrr
Please frosty x

02-03-13, 16:43
It depends, there are many things that can cause the shakes. If its an anxious shake it will be due to your nerve ends and the best way to stop that from happening would be to be in an environment where you feel relaxed, or distract yourself until you have calmed down and you will notice that they go on their own. If its due to medication you should possibly just go and speak to the Gp if its getting really bad.

I hope you feel better soon :)

02-03-13, 17:20
Hi saro

It's not meds because I'm not taking any I do think it is the anxiety I had a couple of panic attacks and they have left me with anxiety symptoms all the time and now it seems to have moved to the shakes its not in my arms or hands or anything it's just feels inside my chest although to look at me you wouldn't see it its so annoying I just wondered if any one else has had this and had any tips to try and stop it my docs don't want to help she Just prescribed a/d and give me the phone number of mind and told me to call them

Thanks frosty x

05-03-13, 20:48
Hi I too have been having something similar to this. I would describe it as internal vibrating. It only happens when I wake up for roughly 30 seconds then stops or at least I can't feel it. I put mine down to anxiety cos it's the only time I notice it. X

Daisy Sue
05-03-13, 20:53
Try hugging a warm hot water bottle and having a hot sweet drink, like drinking chocolate or tea with sugar in.. the warmth will soothe & calm you, & the sugar will give you a boost, especially if your blood sugar is low, which can make trembling worse.

05-03-13, 22:26
Thank you for your replys and I will try what you suggested daisy sue
Thanks frosty x:)