View Full Version : OCD with toilet issues/showering

02-03-13, 01:29
Can anybody help?

I have bad OCD wit toilet related things.

*Basically I feel the urge to shower a lot.
*I worry any urine splashes near my mouth or body incase I get unwell or smell from it.
*I get IBS issues and worry any farts will be poo incase I get unclean.
*I worry when I poo any watery marks or splashes hit my mouth my OCD worse case scenario is e-coli.
*After the toilet I have to hand wash about 7 or 8 times to feel clean.
*I use between 2-6 toilet rolls to poo to feel clean.
* I feel the urge to throw things away as my head tells me any poo may have got near my clothes.
*I worry any toilet bowl water splashes hit me and I get Ill.
*I occasionally get the urge to pee minutes after going.
*I even have to use toilet roll in the shower to clean my backside as I can never get ant solid stools.
*I won't sit on any unclean toilet pans so sometimes I have to avoid shopping mall toilets and walk around until I find a clean toilet.
*I worry about touching poo as hand sanitisers in public toilets don't always look clean.
*Even after poo I feel incomplete sometimes and get worries I smell even if I don't go that night.

That's basically most of it quite embarrassing but I keep suffering. I use to suffer panic attacks but now 90% of my anxiety focuses around using toilets, cleanliness and sometimes it's a toilet feels like a safe place or comfort zone. I can sit straining until I feel done but at work I can go less but have t go later in the day. Sometimes at work I never go..however it's flared up again. I won't commit to going places it's always maybe due to these issues. Can anybody help or neutralise my worries a bit? I feel alone suffering. :weep:

04-03-13, 11:17
Also I worry about poo particles from farts but maybe I'm
Over worrying?