View Full Version : All these with anxiety?

02-03-13, 11:52
Does anyone else lose loads of weight with anxiety? I havent been well for a few months and not much appetite, nausea, loose bowels, no energy etc. I am just eating what i fancy which is usually rubbish but i am still losing weight. I keep saying something serious is up because i am eating fattening things but losing weight. My partner and friend keep saying its with worrying but i wont have it. I am wiating for an ultrasound scan on my liver.

02-03-13, 12:23
I think it is quite common to lose a lot of weight with anxiety. I recently lost 1 stone in a month and I was just 9.5 stone to start with.

02-03-13, 13:49

I've been ill after a long period of good health for about 5 weeks now. I have lost weight (don't know how much, I think less than a stone) becasue of the same symptoms you describe above.

I have had this before, lost weight and then gained it again when in recovery.

I think when the anxiety manifests itself as nausea or bowel problems, it is inevitable to lose weight.

Keep going for the tests the doctor sends you too just in case but if nothing is found, treating the anxiety usually works for me.


02-03-13, 13:53
I have lost weight before with anxiety but I always think its different this time!

02-03-13, 14:18
I always loose masses of weigh when the anxiety strikes hard - I can have a pure sugar and fat diet and still loose weight if I'm in panic mode :wacko:

02-03-13, 15:22
I'm the same. I'm down to 8 stone from 9 and a half in the past month and eating as much rubbish as I can to put it on but can't as anxiety still high so burning it off as soon as I eat it. Its so depressing when you're doing your best but nothing seems to help.

02-03-13, 15:33
I have a lot of stomach-related anxiety, so when my anxiety flares (bringing along with it the pains), I have lost upwards to 30 pounds in the course of two months because I basically was eating enough to survive (i.e. my meals and that's about it).

Check your diet (which you admit to being bad) when you notice this is happening. If you can, try to focus on at least getting healthy protein into you. Protein can be anything from eggs (which I find easy on the stomach) to toast with peanut butter on it to lean meats (chicken is easiest to digest). You have no energy because you're not feeding your body the stuff it needs to MAKE energy.

Maybe adding a multivitamin (they are sold everywhere, centrum is probably the best of the cheaper ones if they sell it in your area) might be good for you as well.

Hope you feel better soon!

02-03-13, 16:01
Zippy, I've lost a stone and a since Christmas through anxiety. It started going back on when pains went away but now it will probably go again. I lost 4 lbs in one day at one point. You know in your heart its the anxiety doing it. Let me know when you get scan date


02-03-13, 16:14
I know Andrea I started slimming world just before I started worrying and now it's dropping off me and the diet has gone out of the window. Why can I never accept its anxiety and not a terminal illness is the cause of losing weight, nausea etc.

02-03-13, 18:18
i have gone from a clothes size 20 to a clothes size 10/12. ive lost 7 stone roughly