View Full Version : Viral infection and post viral fatigue

02-03-13, 15:49
Hi All,

For the whole of this month I have been ill with a chest infection and a virus running alongside it. Symptoms ranging from a high temperature, chesty cough, runny nose, alternate chills and profuse sweating, nausea & stomach discomfort and pruritis (skin itching and irritation).

I have taken echinacea and high dose vitamin C for the last 2 weeks to boost my immune system.

These symptoms have now passed, except for the pruritis, but I continue to feel very lethargic and tired. I'm sleeping more than usual but don't feel rested and don't have the same level of motivation and concentration that I usually have.

The absence of symptoms makes me think that the virus and chest infection has passed, but this lingering tiredness is a cause of concern.

Has anyone suffered post viral fatigue? If so how did you recover from it and how long did it take? Did you push through the tiredness or rest until you felt better?

02-03-13, 15:52
I think after a viral infection, feeling so tired is the bodies way of telling you that you need more rest. sometimes as soon as we start to feel a bit better we start back in our usual routine but we still haven't had time for our bodies to fully recover.

02-03-13, 16:12
Thanks, Annie :) I think that because I've been stuck in a lot due to being ill all month and looking forward to getting out again it's a bit of an anticlimax to be free of symptoms but still feel rubbish! This period of illness has dragged on for so long, I'm keen to be back to full health as soon as possible. I actually had more energy during the period I was ill than I do now :shrug:

02-03-13, 16:38
I've had a cold with a constant blocked up nose for 2 weeks now and it is driving me mad!!
I seem to get colds a lot worse since I stopped going out much, I guess it might be because my immune system has been affected.
I think it is quite normal to still feel quite tired after the bugs have left your system though and hopefully this will pass for you soon.

02-03-13, 16:44
Hi Kells:)
I've been agoraphobic for almost two years now. I started going out again at the end of last year and making real progress, but seem to pick up every bug going! Maybe our immune system has been effected by not going out often and not being exposed to every day germs?

02-03-13, 16:50
I really think it might be that, I'm agoraphobic and haven't been around people apart from my family for about 6 months (as I don't go out).
I went out to some shops with my mum for the first time in ages a few weeks ago and then 3 days later my cold started!! I'm sure I picked it up from being out and suddenly exposed to more germs! Problem is being ill has meant I haven't left the house again for 2 weeks now and I'm worried when I go out again I will catch another cold!!
I'm pretty sure I also got a nasty long cold when I went out to the shops about 6 mths ago as well!
I guess we just need to expose ourselves to all these germs more frequently and hoe our bodies start handling it a bit better. I never use to get colds for this long when I use to go out lots.

02-03-13, 16:59
That makes perfect sense! :) I never used to catch many colds or bugs, but I used to work and come into contact with hundreds of people each day.

I have had lots of colds and bugs since last year when I started going out again late Autumn. I put it down to the time of year.

Phew! I was really starting to worry about the length of time colds and viruses where staying with me for. But now that it makes more sense, I'm not so worried. Thanks Kells :)

02-03-13, 17:01
No problem at all, hopefully we will both get to the point soon where we go out so much that we just get little colds like everyone else!!:yesyes:

02-03-13, 17:09
Definitely! :yesyes: I hope that your cold eases and you're back out and about soon :D

02-03-13, 17:10
Thank you-I can't remember what it feels like not to have a blocked nose!:D

02-03-13, 17:14
:roflmao: I know the feeling well!

02-03-13, 18:30
I haven't been out very much but now have tonsillitis. The first time I have had it and I am 55.

02-03-13, 18:39
I haven't been out very much but now have tonsillitis. The first time I have had it and I am 55.

Oh that must be painful Annie :hugs: Are you having any treatment? I hope you're better soon.

I've just been reading up on agoraphobia and the immune system and it seems to be a lack of vitamin D from reduced exposure to natural sunlight that reduces our immune function. So we pick up more infections that take longer to recover from.

Even more reason for us to get out more often!!! :yesyes:

02-03-13, 18:41
I have antibiotics but yes it is very painful. I have a light box but haven't used it as much as I should.

02-03-13, 19:05
Oh that must be painful Annie :hugs: Are you having any treatment? I hope you're better soon.

I've just been reading up on agoraphobia and the immune system and it seems to be a lack of vitamin D from reduced exposure to natural sunlight that reduces our immune function. So we pick up more infections that take longer to recover from.

Even more reason for us to get out more often!!! :yesyes:

That makes sense! Lack of vitamin D can cause lots of nasty side effects.

02-03-13, 19:49
That makes sense! Lack of vitamin D can cause lots of nasty side effects.

I knew it could cause SAD and depression, but did not make a connection between immunity and vitamin D. Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees!:doh:

02-03-13, 19:54
It often worries me about other health implications that could arise from being housebound, I saw a programme on tv a few months ago that said vitamin d deficiency can cause brittle bones as well. Not sure if that's true or not though as it was a drama series!
Your body can store vitamin d though so we don't have to get out every day to absorb enough.

03-03-13, 10:48
It often worries me about other health implications that could arise from being housebound, I saw a programme on tv a few months ago that said vitamin d deficiency can cause brittle bones as well. Not sure if that's true or not though as it was a drama series!
Your body can store vitamin d though so we don't have to get out every day to absorb enough.

I read this last night, Kells. This is true. Particularly for women who lose bone density as a natural process of ageing anyway. There should be much more proactive support for people who suffer agoraphobia as the health implications are far ranging and extend to physical health.

I'm re starting yoga classes next week which is good for bone health and general well being :yesyes:

03-03-13, 10:53
I read this last night, Kells. This is true. Particularly for women who lose bone density as a natural process of ageing anyway. There should be much more proactive support for people who suffer agoraphobia as the health implications are far ranging and extend to physical health.

I'm re starting yoga classes next week which is good for bone health and general well being :yesyes:

I totally agree there should be more support.

Yoga should be lots of fun as well as being good for you, I hope you have a great time :yesyes:

03-03-13, 11:19
I totally agree there should be more support.

Yoga should be lots of fun as well as being good for you, I hope you have a great time :yesyes:

I'm a yoga instructor but I'm giving electrified yoga a go. It looks like fun and should provide my body with a wake up call! :yesyes:


I hope you are cold free soon and get to top up on sunshine soon! :shades:

03-03-13, 11:25
That looks really fun!

I sat in the garden for an hour yesterday so hopefully that will help a bit.

Do you take any supplements/vitamins? I don't at the moment but thinking that maybe it would be a good idea.

03-03-13, 11:33
It does doesn't it! :yesyes:

I'm glad that you got to sit out in the garden yesterday :yesyes:

I've started taking my vitamins again since I became run down. I need to keep it up now!

I take vitamin B complex, vitamin C, Vitamin D, inositol, omega 3 fish oil with flaxseed and starflower oil. Echinacea is also good for your immune system at intervals but shouldn't be taken non stop.

I do notice a difference in how I feel when I take supplements. It can't do any harm so it is worth a try :)

03-03-13, 11:35
I have them and keep forgetting to take them. Maybe I should start putting them in my pill box with anxiety meds.

03-03-13, 11:45
I have them and keep forgetting to take them. Maybe I should start putting them in my pill box with anxiety meds.

That's a good idea! :) I've just taken mine :yesyes:

03-03-13, 12:46
Thanks for the info-I'm going to get myself some of these!

03-03-13, 12:51
Your body's taken a beating from the virus and has to repair itself, even after the infection is gone. You just need to sleep/rest more and drink more fluids.