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View Full Version : had enough feel really bad

02-03-13, 17:46
well things have got so much worse for me,i cant sleep as every time i do i wake up gasping and jumping and my body feels really heavy which goes on everytime i go sleep and the heavyness last ages my limbs also twitch so i am severly sleep deprived,i have lost tons a weight and feels like my muscles are shrinking maybe its muscle atrophy i am at the point now taking myself to hospital and asking to be admitted i just cant cope with the severe panic lasting all day and night i feel spaced out and light headed constantly and aslo a feeling like i am being brain damaged hard to describe i feel like i an dying i just cant cope

02-03-13, 18:02
Hi Helen. Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. Are you getting any support for your anxiety? X

02-03-13, 18:11
no support the last time i went to my doctor she told me not to bother going back with the same thing i do have a health problem that might be causing all of this but my gps wont investigate i am just so scared it really feels like i am dying i am sat here crying because i just cant cope i cant even do anything with my children all this has been going on weeks now i just dont know what to do anymore

02-03-13, 18:16
Could you see a different doctor? If you think it could genuinely be linked to health problems then it may be worth it.

02-03-13, 18:17
i have seen all the gps in my practice and none of them are sympathetic if anything i dread going there

02-03-13, 18:31
What about a different practice? Have you had lots of tests done and they've comeback ok? If so, is that why they're unwilling get to do more?

02-03-13, 18:38
Hi Helen, I am so sorry to hear the way you are feeling. I often wake up gasping for breath lately and I am convinced I have heart failure, grrrrrr stupid thoughts!!!!!!

I would defiantly recommend changing your doctor to another practice, you can't live your life like this xxx

02-03-13, 18:39
i am thinking of going to a new practice but scared incase they stop my treatment i have to have b12 jabs every 3 months and i am scared the new practice will stop them, i have asked my gp for a blood test to check my thyroid as my mum has thyroid trouble but the gp said no as what i have is just anxiety so many people have been misdiagnosed with that surgery looking at the nhs choices website it has so many bad reviews,a friend of mine gave me a number to her gp but i am just scared incase i have my treatment stopped

03-03-13, 14:35
If you have to have jabs then they wouldn't stop them as your notes will say you need them.