View Full Version : Constant nausea

02-03-13, 18:24
I didn't know who else to turn to. Everyone is getting sick of me. I am feeling constantly nauseas. Worse after I've eaten and it disappears late at night. It is so horrible and really upsetting me. I suffer with emetophobia, so this symptom is very distressing. I often feel unwell when I am on my period (which I am) but it isn't usually like this. It's been going on for a week now, but over Christmas when my anxiety hit rock bottom again, I often felt sick with my worry and panic attacks. What can I do? I'm so scared it won't go.

02-03-13, 19:42
Hi Bookitty,

Sorry you're feeling so unwell at the moment. I have emet and pretty frequent nausea at all so can sympathise. Nausea isn't nice for anyone but when you have the phobia as well it's really debilitating.

Unfortunately nausea is such a common symptom of anxiety and stress than it can be hard to figure out if something else is causing it or if it's just your body getting anxious. My GP has given me some anti-sickness tablets so you may want to try ask your GP for the same, or you can buy some anti-sickness tablets over the counter if you haven't already tried them?

Also, not sure what your diet is like but mine is pretty terrible. I go for long periods without eating and then eat the wrong things so this probably contributes. May be worth trying an elimination diet to see if a particular food or food group is causing it?

Hope you feel better soon

02-03-13, 19:59
I know what you mean... I also have emetophobia and I used to have it all day everyday to the point where I stayed in bed all day as it was that bad. I always felt like I was going to be sick..

I've stopped having it since I was put on medication for reflux though.