View Full Version : lots of subjects in 1 !!!

10-09-06, 09:29
i wasnt sure where to put this as this is a kind of need support/ success /thank you and encouragment post all in one !!!
well not really been on much but i do pop on and catch up with posts when i can.

i am doing ok... i have an appointment with someone (not sure who doc refered me) to discuss a few things that lead to my depression and panics/ocd as they now believe me that i have been like it for years just never understood what was happening to me so thats on 26th sept...
anyway i am still working and with four children aged between 20 and 11 you can inagine what its been like lately with exam results, changing school etc... any way what i want to say is ive coped :)
i still have bad times as do we all and sometimes they can be pretty bad and scarey as i think ive reached the bottom again but i havnt i always get back up fighting and getting on with it which about a year ago i could not have done and its all thanks to you guys on here you have been great over the last couple of years and i dont know what i would have done without this site...
i guess what im trying to say is dont give up... even when things seem hopeless just hang on in there... take little steps and encourage yourself for what you have achieved not what you havnt... on a bad day go easy on yourself which is the most difficult thing i found but it works...
also what i wanted to say was i am going away tomorrow until friday with students from work (i work with young adults with severe learning disabilaties) the two other staff i am going with i do not know as we work opposite shifts i know it is going to be hard work and alot of hours and i am going to miss home and the kids really badley but i would like to ask you to send some posative vibes my way if possible during the week so that if i start to struggle i can pull myself back on top and do what im there for to the best of my ability. i really need to say thanks to all of you again though as there is no way i would have even considered a job like this before and to go away wow what a big step i just hope i dont let anyone down.
i want to say we are all special people as not everyone would cope with all that we do and still carry on with anouther day !!! we must be very strong and that must be a good thing...
anyway think ive gone on enough ... this is usually where i press the wrong button and lose it all lol
take care will come back and post at week end

10-09-06, 09:56
Hi Rach,

Think you're doing really well & here's some big

(((((( GOOD VIBES ))))))

for you throughout the coming week!!

Best Wishes


10-09-06, 14:25
If anyone can do this you can!!!

Biggest hugs and I really look forward to hearing about it all.


Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-09-06, 16:28
What a lovely post to read - thanks for that! You have done so well, I know how hard it is to have 4 kids and all the 'goings on' this involves, but i have always got up each morning and look forward to what they can hand to me next!!! and as you know that in itself is a major challenge.good luck with your appointment, and keep up the good work, i think kids are our saviour at time, i know my lot (although a little older now) keep me very occupied and i love it! xxJean

10-09-06, 17:05
Well Done Rach hun,

You are doing just GREAT! I hope the trip away goes well mate.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X


10-09-06, 18:24
good for you .....you sound very determined thats a biggie...i wish u the best...........Linda[8D]

11-09-06, 07:47
thank you so much for the replies...
ive got up this morning and am a little anxious... my youngest is a bit upset and is off to school but knowing people care and understand what its like really helps...
i am going to do this and i am going to do it the best i can... thanks again you lot you are very special people

17-09-06, 12:14
well i did it!!! :D
i cant believe it... and no panic or anxiety once we got there...
it was long days from about 6am till 1am the next morning then to bed for a few hours and off again.
thank you all so much for all your posative thoughts etc... i could never have done this a year ago...

17-09-06, 18:44
WELL DONE Rach you did really well I'n so pleased for you.

I hope you get some well deserved Rest & Relaxation now hun.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X
