View Full Version : Your anxiety triggers?

02-03-13, 23:35
Also just wondering what anyone else's triggers are for making anxiety worse / bringing on panic. Mine are:

Being stuck somewhere (e.g. social/formal situation like sitting round a dinner table in a restaurant, knowing you have to go through all the courses and not move whenever you want)
Being confined physically (e.g. in a seat in the middle of the row at the cinema knowing that if you wanted to get out, you'd have to get 10 people to stand up and move out the way, or the worst one, being on a plane 30,000 feet in the air!!)
Being too hot
Being somewhere that is really noisy and busy with loads of people
Underground trains (worrying about breaking down in tunnel, terrorist attacks etc)
After a large meal (uncomfortably full stomach and palpitations!)
Strenuous activity (e.g. climbing stairs making my heart race)
Pretty much any unusual physical sensation (e.g. funny feeling in chest, twitchy muscle in arm, fleeting aches and pains, throat feelings)
Sexual encounters (feeling worried about it not being ruined by anxiety, the pressure of trying to look like you're enjoying yourself not distracted by anxiety!!)
Alcohol (worry it will set off palpitations or make me feel out of control, or that feeling ill with the hangover will make me panicky)
Tense, dark or scary TV programmes or films (I'm pretty much limited to watching rom coms or even just Teletubbies at the moment, no 24 or Prison Break for me!!)

...Ok did not realise that list would get so long :-S Feels good to admit to them though..!

Anyone care to share theirs? So we can all feel less crazy and alone in our hang-ups?!

03-03-13, 00:04
My list would have a lot of similar ones!
Being confined, really big one for me.. Planes especially!
I struggle with lots of noise, the cinema is a no no for me.
Violent or scary films... Eeek! X

03-03-13, 08:01
My list would be very similar - add in contamination. I worry that someone has spiked my drink

03-03-13, 09:15
Mine are:

- Not being in control
- Anything to do with money, especially bills
- Health scares, like changing moles
- Work
- Being around a big group of people I don't know well or at all
- Going to an unfamiliar place
- Post and knock on the door

03-03-13, 11:36
Being stuck and not being able to get anywhere...
Being on any form of transport apart from my car...
Heights and wind..
Anything where I don't have full control..

03-03-13, 19:39
Mine are social occasions where I'm not in control, like leaving the room or transport etc.

Panic Manic
03-03-13, 19:41
- Social interaction
* Leaving the house
*Certain situation
-- Hospitals
-- Elevators
-- Cars
-- Busses

03-03-13, 19:49
Any form of transport (unless I am driving )
Hot enclosed spaces
Traffic jams
Losing any item in my house
Supermarkets/shopping centres
Attending any function/meeting
Being late for anything
People that talk loudly or fast
Pain anywhere in the body
Car washes ( no way can I go through one )

Sure there are more that is just off the top of my head

03-03-13, 19:59
Ooh Alma, I hate traffic Jams and car washes to!!!

03-03-13, 20:02
Ooh Alma, I hate traffic Jams and car washes to!!!

I know, I get anxious just looking at a car wash when I am buying petrol!

03-03-13, 20:55
Not feeling in control
Nights out in bars/clubs
Recentley I have become really anxious when shopping either for food or clothes, the thought of going to a shopping centre on my own fills me with panic. I went to a city centre the other day shopping on my birthday with my sister and 2 really understanding friends but at one point I had to walk off and just be on my own for 10 minutes. Also feel like I cant go to the gym on my own.