View Full Version : Ddcoo tongue cancer. Wk 4 of radiation.

03-03-13, 12:30
Hi gang, it's me again. Sorry I am a day late with the update but I wasn't too well yesterday.

~Well, last week seemed to be a much better week until I had the 2nd round of chemotherapy on Thursday. I was told by the radiation doctor not to excpect to feel so good because this session of chemo is being plonked on top of the 4 weeks of radtiation which is very tirning anyway, so I am a bit like a limp dishcloth at the moment and have had two mornings of heaving and pulling my stomach muscles which is caused by the chemo reaction. I have just been in the shower and feel a bit more human and thought I had better drop a line to my trusty pilgrims. As always I thank you all, old supporters and new, for your support. I am on the downward run now, 2 more weeks and one day of radiotherapy and no more chemo.

My very sore throat went after a few days last week and apparently it was made worse because of the bout of oral thrush I had, but medicine cleared that up, so I was able to manage my complan drinks a lot better and have half of a bread roll with ham on it which was sheer bliss.

I do not know what sort of reactions I will have from the last two weeks of therapy, I know it will not be nice, buy hey I have survived thus far and I will get throught it.

I do hope you all aren't too bored with the updates, it must be getting a bit wearing for you now, but you do know how much I appreciate your replies and support.

I honestly do think of you when I am buckled down to the bed with my face mask on during treatment and that you are spurring me on.

I have asked the radiologists if I can have my mask when it is all over, and I will try and post a picture of it on here later, it maybe of interest to some of you.

So for now I send you my thanks for everything and look forward to posting next week when I will be saying #"one week and one day to go".:D

03-03-13, 12:41
Of course we're not bored. I look forward to your updates as it means you are getting closer to the end of your treatment. I'm glad your sore throat is feeling better and you are able to drink your complan drinks more easily. You are so brave, I know I wouldn't be if I were in your shoes. You're an inspiration for us all I can't wait for all this treatment to be over for you so you can concentrate on getting well again.

Two weeks and counting, you're on the home stretch now :bighug1: :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

03-03-13, 13:46
Yipeeeee it's ddcoooooooooo. Hello oh love,y friend and very very very very brave person. Oh I think I missed out a few of those very, very, very, very, very, very (brave).
I could never be bored reading your posts. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever.
I'm just pleased that you are gradually being able to tick off these horribly gruelling tasks and all with such resilience.
Glad to hear from you, Di, keep up the good work won't you.

03-03-13, 14:56
No never bored of hearing from you:hugs::hugs::hugs:xx

03-03-13, 14:58
Of course were not bored to hear from you.

Thinking of you xx

03-03-13, 15:23
I know I for one always check for new updates from you and love to hear how you're getting on. It sounds as though you're doing amazingly. Although the chemo is rough at least the end is in sight now. Once the treatment is over you can look forward to feeling so much better and being able to enjoy your food and Sri.k again and get out and about once it all settles down.

03-03-13, 16:37
Well done Di, the end of this dreadful ordeal so bravely endured by you is now in sight. :hugs:

03-03-13, 18:57
Not long to go now Di! Keep going strong and the summer will be all yours to enjoy.

03-03-13, 19:07
Over half way their now di. Keep it up girl your doing great :D
Think of all those eggs at Easter :D:hugs:

03-03-13, 19:35
Always look out for your posts.

Take care

03-03-13, 19:48

04-03-13, 00:48
I look forward to your updates. Never think any of us feel otherwise. Glad it's getting near the end of treatment. You will be back to your old self before you know it.

04-03-13, 01:02
wow, you are amazing di!!!!! you are almost there!!!!!!! you can do it, we are all here for you and praying for you. :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

06-03-13, 14:04
All the very best Di, nearly there.....


06-03-13, 20:12
Glad to see your doing as well as can be expected. And with the way the days are going so fast (for me anyway) the end will be on you before you know it :)

06-03-13, 20:38
Not long now, hope the rest of the radiotherapy isn't too bad xxx

07-03-13, 06:45
Well done :) you're doing great.
It sucks that you're so uncomfortable with your throat and things.
It must hard knowing that each treatment can make the side effects worse.

Pulled tummy muscles are the worst, every little movement can hurt.
I had it with a cough/bronchitis once, oh it was pure agony.
So sorry you've been feeling sick, that nauseous feeling is hard to describe ugh but I hate it. I find if dry heaving is too painful, drinking water can make it a bit more comfortable.

09-03-13, 07:34
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....
THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....THINKING OF YOU ddcooooo.....

09-03-13, 08:21
Another week down, you're almost there Di, keep going and keep your spirits up you're doing great. Just over a week to go then it's all done. big :bighug1:

09-03-13, 09:01
Great to hear from you Di.

I bet solid food was a real treat, not long now, keep going you are truly an inspiration.

Can't wait for the next update.

Elen xxx