View Full Version : Tingling tongue?

03-03-13, 13:09
Last night I fell asleep on the sofa for about an hour and when I woke up I noticed my tongue kept tingling only in one patch near the back more on the right side. It comes and goes but its freaking me out!! What could it be? Xx

03-03-13, 13:43
last night i fell asleep on the sofa for about an hour and when i woke up i noticed my tongue kept tingling only in one patch near the back more on the right side. It comes and goes but its freaking me out!! What could it be? Xx
is it still there? I,ve had that in the past & like thers no reason why it should b like that is there.

03-03-13, 13:47
Yeah it's still there only every so often. I just worry its some thing serious :-( xx

03-03-13, 15:11
Maybe you ate something that didn,t agree with you? Maybe you had your tongue held tight in your mouth? Maybe you have something coming on your tongue? But don,t worry it,s not serious!