View Full Version : Coughing

10-09-06, 11:19
Hi, has anyone got a nervous cough or does a nervous cough exist? I do smoke and been smoking many years and know smoking doesn’t help your health at all, but I have had this cough now for over 6 months. It’s like I need to cough something up but there is never anything there to cough up. Wonder could it just be a habit and I feel I have to cough? Like people who get twitches and things, I have had that many symptoms in the past and at the time they are so scary and life threatening, they sometimes last for months and months then go away and get replaced with another scary symptom. What made me think more about having a nervous cough was that lad on big brother Pete who had Terex or however its spelt and he was always coughing when nervous. Thanks all. Take care. Vernon

10-09-06, 11:31
no idea! my mum coughs alot, and i heard of ppl clearing their throat when nervous, i just play with ma hair! but it could be habitual.
Becci x

10-09-06, 12:35
I think similar to you....i have suffered chest tightness for many months now(26 dont smoke)...cant cope no more doctor is sending me for a chest xray next week-im terrified they will find lung disease
however since knowing i have to have this xray..i have been googling(silly me)-and now developing all the symptoms of lung problems-this includes coughing-im sure its all mental
go to the docs for reassurance-for your peace of mind
then try and forget about it
take care

10-09-06, 13:15
Hi Vern,

I always have a cough too and I'm also a smoker. I remember going to the doc about it months ago and he sounded my back and said the nicotine was rattling about in my lungs well for the next couple of weeks I tried so hard to stop but couldnt. I then started taking pains in my shoulder and had something else to worry about so forgot about my lung cancer diagnosis. I still have the cough tho but surely I'd be dead by now if it was anything serious. I'd say Vern go to doc for reasurrance if nothing else.

Take Care


april tones
10-09-06, 16:41
I do it sometimes if breathless and anxious, anxiety i think xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

10-09-06, 18:18
Hi Vern.........
I also am a smoker i know i cough from smoking but i also noticed when im anxoius i do cough alot more like to get air .....best to ya ..........Linda[8D]