View Full Version : Feeling very blaah :(

03-03-13, 16:08
I came on my period a week early which i think was due to stress.
the other night i woke in the night to a acid burning feeling in my tummy and i felt like i was about to puke, but never i haven't been sick in years but i felt really close this time.
Ever since then (its been about 3 days) ive been feeling sick on and off through out the day which sucks because i love my food and its putting me off!
and to top it off ive been feeling very lethargic and weak and everythings a struggle to do almost like i have a cold, if you know the feeling.
my little one has been ill so maybe it is a bug..

anyway id like to know how to reduce the acid reflux which i think i have thats making me feel so sick. and is the head aches and achey feeling due to the stress/anxiety? im really struggling here :( xx

03-03-13, 16:29
Bless you i have the same symptoms, i take rennie for my acid, i hope you feel better soon xx

03-03-13, 17:31
Thank you xx I will try some rennie! xx

03-03-13, 19:47
Hi Sunshine,

Stress gives me nausea and makes me feel lethargic sometimes. Rennie is OK, but if its stress related you'll have to focus on ways of trying to get through it. If you think it is stress related do things you enjoy; I go for jogs, have my haircut, see friends etc.


03-03-13, 20:00
I came on my period a week early which i think was due to stress.
the other night i woke in the night to a acid burning feeling in my tummy and i felt like i was about to puke, but never i haven't been sick in years but i felt really close this time.
Ever since then (its been about 3 days) ive been feeling sick on and off through out the day which sucks because i love my food and its putting me off!
and to top it off ive been feeling very lethargic and weak and everythings a struggle to do almost like i have a cold, if you know the feeling.
my little one has been ill so maybe it is a bug..

anyway id like to know how to reduce the acid reflux which i think i have thats making me feel so sick. and is the head aches and achey feeling due to the stress/anxiety? im really struggling here :( xx

Gosh exactly same - keep thinking I'm dying ! I think weather or not I'm ill, my anxiety is magnifying everything 100fold. Could physically pull my hair out! I just want to be NORMAL again. X

05-03-13, 13:21
Thank you for your replies im feeling alot better!
need to try and relax..you will feel normal again! it takes time tho xx