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View Full Version : horribly scarey near fainting attack

10-09-06, 15:37
Yesterday I was just about to get in the shower and I lost it. I felt really dizzy, it's almost as if my brain was spinning, I was sure I was going to faint, so I hit the floor and layed down just in case to get the blood flow back to my brain. I immediately got shakey and cold and my mouth got really dry and I was home alone with my 8 month old who was in her walker. I was sure something was really wrong this time so I called the ambulance and they came and took my vitals and thought I was just fine. They left and soon my husband came home from work. Bow, I gave had vertigo before from inner ear stuff, and I have also been light-headed before too from standing up too fast etc, but I have never experienced something like this before actually maybe something similar last winter but you know how you forget how symptoms feel exactly. I have also been having problems with my heart palpitating more these past few months. Went to the doc, she said I'm fine. The EMT's said no 25 year old women just drop dead, and that I was healthy. Has anyone had this before-this horribly scarey near fainting crap?
Please please help

Leah Beans

10-09-06, 15:58
Wow, how awful for you, you did good though by ringing the emergency services. Please try to feel re-assured that you have been checked and everything is fine? I know that doesn't help with the awful dizziness, had you eaten properly, you have a young child, so obviously you don't get enough sleep, are you hormonal? there are so many reasons why you felt like this, and yes, it could be 'just' good old anxiety, but you coped well, you didn't faint, there is no reason to believe you should if you haven't before, i have had this so many times, and it does still scare me now, but i figured if it were anything real bad it would be with me 24/7 and get worse, take care, sorry have not been of much help. xxxx

10-09-06, 16:16
That sounds really scary. When these things happen it can be traumatizing.

I don't know if you have actually ever fainted and can recognize the sensation or you are imagining what it feels like. Anyway since your doctor and the emergency services assured you that everything is fine I shouldn't be concerned.

For as long as I can remember I occassionally get a n intense spinning feeling in my head (like a top). It stops me temporarily in my tracks but clears in a couple of seconds. It has never done me any harm and never will. I guess it has something to do with my balance mechanism adjusting itself.

I have a fainting phobia and when I am hypersensitive.. a loss of balance can set off a terrible rush of fear... Is it possible that you are having symptoms of fear rather than fainting which are extremely unpleasant and scary but harmless?

10-09-06, 16:35
bit of a dumb question, but had you eaten? hunger can cause fainting and fainting like feelings, including the dizziness and shakey, i had this yesterday infact and sat in my room with my head in my lap to avoid the worse, i was shaking, cold, dizzy and really lightheaded like id taken something.
Becci x

10-09-06, 17:54
i was thinking the same becci....when we dont eat out blood sugar drops and we get real dizzy i know i get more anxiety when i dont eat........but im glad your ok it is scary there have been times when im home alone and i feel like i should wait for someone to come home before showering just in case......but then i just did it...........it happens now omce in a blue moon.....wish u the best.......Linda[8D]

13-09-06, 10:18
This has happened to me a couple of times - the last time was at the docs a couple of days ago, which actually made me feel worse cos I was so embarrassed crying about it in front of a load of people in the waiting room! I was walking down there (5 min walk from home) and all the way I was feeling more and more spaced out, which in turn made me feel faint, so by the time I got there I was on the verge of collapse. Anyway I told the receptionist I was gonna faint, who got the nurse, who laid me down in her room. So I started to feel better, but as I did I became very cold and shaky.
The last time I had it was pretty much the same, only much worse - I was shaking uncontrollably and hands and feet completely numb.
Anyway, I used to think, before these two episodes, that I'd had panic attacks before. I now know that actually, I hadn't- just anxiety- because this was the 'real thing'. I think this may be whats happened to you.
They can come completely out of the blue, which is what makes it so scary. If you've been given the all-clear, it seems the only explanation.
Very frightening, I know, but despite what you think it's unlikely you will actually faint, and even if you do,it's just a natural bodily reaction, and by that point you would be in a safe place anyway(ie, not at the top of the stairs!)
The faintness, spinning out, palpitations, dry mouth, the shakes..and a whole lot more...I've had it all and so have many others here. I can't tell you how to get over it(now that would be hypocritical!)although I know you can eventually, but what I can tell you is that it can't harm you.

Take carexxx