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03-03-13, 22:13
...so there i was reading a book thinking i was quite relaxed when i noticed i was gripping the book so tightly i left marks on the pages....just goes to show how your subconscious works........and i thought i was relaxed :shrug:

03-03-13, 22:49
i notice that with my jaw. I think im relaxing but when i really notice, i find that im clenching my teeth and my jaw hard. haha. it's hard to really be completely relaxed.

03-03-13, 22:51
Snap! I also notice that I'm holding my breath sometimes.


03-03-13, 23:01
I have just read the 2 posts above and noticed i am doing the same...oh and also crossing my legs at the bottom tightly....so much for being relaxed :doh:

04-03-13, 06:52
I also feel like im holding my breath! Very scary

04-03-13, 07:55
I have been attending a stress control course and one week covered how important relaxation was. Relaxed body helps relaxed mind.

I notice that i go around with my shoulders up round my ears, gives me pins and needles in my arms. Going to practice the free CD I got on the course!!

04-03-13, 09:55
I do the same, I can be sitting 'relaxing' and notice I am gripping on to my arm or item of clothing and all hunched up.

04-03-13, 11:37
No wonder we feel run down and full of aches and pains.

oh no_1
04-03-13, 11:42
that course sounds fab sunshine... wish i could find a course like that....

04-03-13, 17:00
My Gp referred me OH NO! It is based on CBT and lots of people attend but we do not interact. It is called 'stress control'and based on course by Jim white a psychologist in Glasgow. Perhaps there is something similar near you? It is good too in that week 2 discussed the physical symptoms of anxiety, stress and panic. Last week we got some strategies about how to deal with irrational and catastrophic thoughts.

I think it has helped me understand myself a bit more and why I feel so physically rubbish a lot of the time.