View Full Version : A telling off.....

10-09-06, 15:41
I've been told off by my wife for dwelling on my symptoms and that I really need to look at things in perspective and in realtion to other things that have been going on in my life. My Mam has pretty much backed her up too. Dont get me wrong, they have not done it in an attacking way, they both just seem really worried and it hurts to know that their worry and stress is caused by me.

I've been out for a walk with my wife today, about 2 and a half miles. Felt a bit wobbly when we were out, but I kind of expected that. I've been feeling like I have a hangover (you know, dizzyness and occasional headache) but I have not had a drop of wine for at least 4-5 days. I'm repeatedly telling myself that this is how a lot of folks feel when they have a virus or something.

I had a decent nights sleep last night, but for the last few days since I have had this thing going on with my neck, I have been waking up and waiting for a pain in my head. Sure enough, a few minuets later, wham, there it is. My globus seems to have eased though, funnily enough.

I think that the reason I might have been suddenly feeling like this is that I'm waiting to start University at the end of September and last week was the first week my wife was back at work after her summer break. So that meant I was back at home, alone. I think my mind started to stagnate and go off on one. At least thats what I hope it is....

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

10-09-06, 16:39
Dan, i had the neck thing for months, it was the worst thing for me to go through at the time. because i never felt like ive grown up, my life kinda went on pause when i was 14-15 so when im ill, i immediatly get a bath! like a kiddie would do! so everytime i got neck pains, twitches and spasms i would freak and get a bath like it'd cure me! id get out of the bath and feel a little better, only a hour or so later it would return. Sometimes id hear cracks and squeeks in my neck! i was super stiff, the cause? COMPUTER!! i have a laptop and my head is looking down all the time and its just not good.
Try relaxing techniques and massages and try not to dwell on it, not easy i know. but it can be done.
Becci x

10-09-06, 16:40
Hi there, get the sack ready mate, why not try it? You sound as if you are doing really well, of course you will feel a little anxious, your wife is back at work, you start uni etc....When you wake up tomorrow without a headache, get up, don't give it a second thought, don't wait for it to come, and it won't. Make sure your bed is comfortable and that you don't have too many pillows, all this adds to neck/head probs. I think your wife sounds lovely along with your mum, of course they get a little impatient, it is so hard to understand about anxiety unless you suffer with it, but she will be with you all the way. good luck and keep in touch. xxx

10-09-06, 19:57

I just get so weary when my anxiety gets a grip on me. My Mam seems to think that my Dad passing away a few months ago has made me freak out like this. She said she thinks that I have been surpressing my emotions so as not to crack in front of everyone else.

I just wish I knew why I get like this???????????

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

11-09-06, 22:41
Hi Dan,

Well done for going out for your walk, its easy for some people to walk 2 and a half miles, but I know for us, it can be hell.

I know your wife and your mum are worried about you, but if it was easy to not dwell on your symptoms , then you would'nt do it. Its hard for people who don't suffer like we do to understand how one day we can be worrying about one thing, and then the next day worrying about something else, and this will make them stressed but you should'nt feel bad about that , because you have got enough on your plate dealing with your anxiety.

I am so sorry to hear about your dad, this probably is adding to your anxiety, I don't know if you have been bottling up your emotion, but if you have then please let your emotions out, no-one will think bad of you for doing that...

I have had problems with my neck, since my anxiety started, this makes me have headaches and dizziness, and I would say that my head and neck are my weak points where my anxiety is concerned, because it seems as though i worry about them more that anything else.

I know what you mean about being home alone, It seems too quiet somehow, even if you are listening to music or you have the tv on, it just seems strange, well it does to me anyway. I also find that when I am at home on my own, I never stop thinking about my symptoms, then I would sit at the computer all day, looking at symptoms and stuff, and make myself feel a whole lot worse.

Maybe at the end of the month when you start university, you will find that you feel better, because you will be getting out and about, and doing things that will help to take your mind off your anxiety. I hope you feel better soon anyway.

Take Care

Sara x

14-09-06, 18:36
Hi again, sorry not replied earlier. I think Mum has hit the nail on the head, am so sorry to hear of your awful loss, of course this is why you feel as you do. Take things one day at a time, cry if you need to, punch a pillow if you need to, go to a field/park and scream if it helps! I think you are doing ok considering what has happened. You sound as if you have a loving and caring family, take time to grieve together, everything you are feeling is very normal. take care and keep in touch xx