View Full Version : Heart palps!

04-03-13, 09:30
These are horrifying! I get them everyday. I could be walking about not even thinking about them & my heart thumps in my chest I panic it feels I may drop down dead!!!

I get them while lying in bed relaxing, so it's not when in sitting stressing etc.

Gona make a drs app but why does this happen. I'm 31

04-03-13, 09:53
It could be symptoms from the anxiety. Even though you may not be thinking about them or feel anxious at the time, they just come on with no warning or reason!

Far as I know, heart palps aren't dangerous, but If you want reassurance yes pop to your Doctor.

Hope you feel better soon

04-03-13, 10:20
Thanks! I also have thyroid disease. Just scared incase it just stops beating and u drop down dead

04-03-13, 11:45
Hi lelespears

Check out this forum


It is great for explaining heart palpitations. It is run and questions answered by a retired Doctor who is brilliant at putting minds at ease

Check it out :)

04-03-13, 19:35
I'm so scared!

Why are these happening when I feel ok not stressed etc


04-03-13, 22:02
I'm a year older than you lele and also get them ALL the time. I even have a weird head sensation while having them sometimes which is awful. I've been to the doctors a few times now about them and they aren't worried, i've even been to different doctors to get different opinions. The first one I told about them wanted to check my thyroid levels as an imbalance can cause them, so I think your thyroid disease probably has alot to do with it. I would make a GP appointment, ask them if they think its related to your thyroid and see what they suggest from there. But as far as I know (and I've read lots about them!), they are not dangerous in themselves.

05-03-13, 08:16
Thank you!

Just that feeling sends me into extreme panic and I live in fear of the next one..


05-03-13, 10:49
I'm 33 and I suffer with then, they hit when I sit resting too. I saw my GP yesterday and mentioned them, she said I'm 33, palpitations are harmless and not to worry. She explained t very well to me, ask your GP to explain why you get them, it will help reassure you. They are very scary I know,

05-03-13, 13:49
these sound like premature contractions an early heart beat which makes the heart beat stronger for a beat or two tgey are harmless unless you have problems with your heart and almost everyone has them but not everyone feels them

according to my cardio consultant some people get 100s of these per day i feel sorry for these people

i do think these pvcs are what gave me an anxiety disorder they are horrible feelings and i get them anytime

05-03-13, 19:22
i agree dlr108 they made my ha worse