View Full Version : Been ill twice within under weeks. Why?!

04-03-13, 09:33
What is it going wrong with me? Two weeks ago I caught a nasty viral infection. I was off college for a whole week with fatigue and swollen glands and felt pretty terrible. Last week I went back to college, feeling pretty okay. However, I come in today to find my glands on my throat are swollen, my throat is sore and I have whites spots on my tonsills.

I just had a virus and now you're telling me I have tonisillitis?

I've missed so much work at college already. I missed a performance (I study acting) and right now we have started a new play. If I miss just a couple more days I will fail the year.

I have been pretty anxious lately because being ill makes me anxious. Is it unatural to be il twice in such a short amount of time? Is it possible I have some underlying health condition making me ill? I'm worried I have something bigger behind this.

I'm not sure what to do. I just had to skip vice class (it hurts to speak) and I'm not sure whether or not I should stay. I am supposed to have rehearsals to night until 9pm. That's another 12 hour I have to stay, plus 2 hours to get back to where I live. I don't know what to do. I don't want to fail my course but I don't want to make myself worse either =/

04-03-13, 09:43
Hi Hun, I've just posted exactly the same thing (thread by lilysmummy) regarding recurring health issues , feeling crap and illness knocking my confidence and anxiety coming back and rational going out the window! I'm exactly the same & think I'm dying or got one of the BIG diseases!

Hmmmm I've learnt ONE thing since becoming a victim of panic attacks and anxiety, that is - health comes first without that YOU really have nothing! Assess how bad you feel and then if you have a little bit if fight in you , take it hour by hour. I would seriously speak to a tutor if your worried you might fail!


04-03-13, 09:48
Snap i,ve bin off work all last week & today with a chest infection. X i know how u feel. Annies on this site has got tonsillitus maybe she,ll reply to you....

04-03-13, 09:49
Thank you both for the speedy replies :)

04-03-13, 09:52
Yes I seem to be getting one thing after another too and at the age of 55 have tonsillitis for the first time in my life. I got antibiotics last Thursday but it is getting worse. I will be seeing the doctor again today.

04-03-13, 19:15
I'm not sure whether or not to go to a doctor or go into college tomorrow. I have:

. White spots on my tonsils, but I'm not entirely sure whether or not this is stuck food or an infection. I have it on both tonsils.

. Slight pain ONLY when I swallow.
. Feeling of something stuck in the left side of my throat.
. Swollen throat and neck glands, particularly the right side of my throat

I don't have any other symptoms as of yet. No fever, no aches, no chills. No congestion.

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

I've been drinking lots of water and my throat doesn't hurt quite as much as earlier. I'm just worrying because I don't know whether to take another day off college to see a doctor or go into college and risk making something worse =/

04-03-13, 19:15
That sounds like tonsillitis, same symptoms as me. I would go to the doctors and get antibiotics as it does get worse if you don't. Mine is a lot worse now.

04-03-13, 19:28
I shall call the GP's tomorrow and make an appointment then. Thanks, Annie. Hope you get better very soon :)

04-03-13, 19:32
Me too..it gets very painful :( I hope you get sorted quickly. In the mean time, gargle your throat with warm salt water and take paracetamol or ibuprofen. The doctor told me to alternate taking paracetamol and ibuprofin. Also drink plenty of fluids.