View Full Version : First time posting

04-03-13, 09:41
Hi everyone.Feel quite nervous posting here. I am a 44 year old female.

In 1995 I first got a panic attack which really scared me. It only happened very occasionally after that and always when out in a crowd ie pub, restaurant or shopping centre.

In 2005 the panic/anxiety came back and I went to my GP and had Cbt which really helped.

Now the problem is that the anxiety has been slowly resurfacing over the past few years. I have been avoiding social situations and making excuses not to go.

Unfortunately over the past two weeks things have got worse. I have not visited my GP as don't really want to go on medication. I am scared to go out in case I have an anxiety attack.

Logically I know I need to visit my GP to get the help I need.

Anyone else in a similar situation and how are you coping.

Thanks for reading

04-03-13, 09:47
I'm exactly the same at the moment - having a big dip, been ill and it seriously knocks my confidence I really believe I have a major health problem and my anxiety is shocking, I felt faint twice whilst driving last Monday ( not felt like that for over a year )and it just reminded me of the feelings of panic as mine started 2 years ago and the feeling of collapse used to overwhelm me and then I'd panic! I hate the doctors - I panic , all I can offer is a huge welcome and a moan , lol X

04-03-13, 09:52
Hi sleepingbeauty

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-03-13, 09:58
Thanks for the lovely welcome Col.

It's a pain in the b*m this anxiety lark !

I just want to be normal !

04-03-13, 11:37
your not alone trust me agrophobia is a big part of anxiety meds were designed to help people like me and you get to your gp asap

04-03-13, 14:35
Speaking from personal experience, avoidance of social situations can lead on to agoraphobia. It is really hard, but please force yourself to keep going out and mixing with people, don't let the anxiety beat you. I know you are not keen on doctors, perhaps have a look at NoPanic.org(different charity), they do a group telephone recovery, I am half way through my sessions and the info and help is invaluable.x

04-03-13, 16:06
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

04-03-13, 16:24
Welcome to NMP :)

05-03-13, 00:04
You are normal don't worry! Maybe we are abit to normal, anxiety as you will no has many different forms, and are own anxietys can change I've had everyone of them over the past couple of years, am only 22 :P I have been suffering from health anxiety. Don't feel bad about not wanting to go out at the moment, stick to were you feel comfy for now to make sure no triggers set off, then go see your gp and discuss how you feel and get the right treatment, don't feel to down I can sometimes take time to get better, doesn't mean its not going to happen, you are in the right place now and this site will help you :) it is a community, and nothing you can say will shock people, we are all or have all been in the same boat, you will be fine :) for now relax on the sofa and enjoy this time to have a rest :P

06-03-13, 00:04
I feel the same way. Any advice?

06-03-13, 08:57
trust your doctor

medication maybe the short term answer

have you tried yoga or pilates - these help with your breathing which is where the panic attacks take hold - breath right & you can control them not them control you


06-03-13, 10:31
Good advice Emily