View Full Version : help im completely panicking

04-03-13, 13:54
a week ago i had a mammo and ultrasound and i was waiting for the result and 5 min ago the hospital called and told me that the doctor wanted to speak to me regarding the result i am completely panicking now because i never expectedthem to call if it everything is completely normal...i just needsomeone to talk to help me...

04-03-13, 13:56
I would ring your Doctors surgery and say you want to speak to someone about this ASAP. I hope the results are okay x

04-03-13, 14:01
I agree ring your doctors and get in asap so you dont get yourself too worked up! Hope the results will be ok:hugs:

04-03-13, 16:48
Hey pepperutchie,

Hope everything goes ok with the call and that you can get through to speak to the Dr quckily!

FR x

04-03-13, 16:56
Hi. Had same thing last week with ct results on lungs. Give them a call. They should tell you on the phone what they need to see you for. Good luck. Let us know what happens


05-03-13, 06:20
thankyou for all the replies i need to wait for another day for the appointment i left a message yesterday for the doctor to call me if its possible but he didnt and i call this morning and he is off so another agonizing day for me..hope everything turns out good.hard to dismiss every thought and feelings every second the escalating fear and worry whoow just cant stand it,had a little sleep last night..thoughts just keep coming a week a go a cousin of mine died of cancer so its really worryng me a lot.

05-03-13, 09:48
I know how hard it is to wait believe me. I have a 4 month wait for a ct scan now. People tell me to stay busy but I can't focus on anything. Tried to stay off Google but that hasn't worked either. Are you on meds for anxiety? I am but they're not helping at the moment

05-03-13, 13:58
Surely the doctor would call you and tell you straight away if it was serious? He surely wouldn't keep you waiting this long?

Keep us updated, take care.


05-03-13, 23:50
it is very hard to wait thoughts seems to go everywhere and really very exhausting,no im not in any medications right now,again thanks andrea..Thanks FR thats what i am trying to think fora moment

06-03-13, 20:20
I can tell you when my mother in law had breast cancer she was called the same day that she had her mammogram. I don't think they would leave you if it were anything serious