View Full Version : pins and needles

04-03-13, 14:11
Dear all,

I'm hoping for some help. I haven't been on for a while because anxiety hasn't troubled me much recently. BUT, today I have pins and needles in the fingers of my left hand...and a woman in work says it could be worth watching as it could be something to do with blood flow!

I simply woke up with it this morning and it hasn't truly gone since. I did have a really bad flu-like virus last week and stressing over that but nothing like what I used to suffer when I was anxious all the time.

I have no other symptoms at all.

Does anyone else get this out of the blue?

04-03-13, 14:15
Could be an anxiety symptom, your skin can "crawl". Worth getting checked out by your doctor though if it continues. Make sure you're not using any odd washing powder.

04-03-13, 15:02
OK. Thanks!