View Full Version : Does anyone get this?

10-09-06, 18:45
...the horrible feeling where you can't seem to get a proper breath in. Its like i have to keep yawning/sighing but not enough air gets in. Last night it was really bad. I used my peak flow meter (asthma checker) and my lungs were fine so i knew it was anxiety or something. I tried some bachs but that didn't work so i resorted to a massage and a very small glass of malibu and coke then a good hot cuppa!!!! Slowly it got back to normal, but for a while, i could have easily panicked - but didn't, thank God!


Two heads
10-09-06, 19:53
Hi sarahc
I have this problem all the time hun, my doc saids im hyperventalating!
This is what started my hole anxiety thing back in december.
Try breathing into a bag,all holding your breath for a while.I find these help sometimes.
I find im totally up and down with it,good weeks and bad.
you are taking to much of the wrong gases into your body and this makes you feel you havet got enough air but really you have to much!
I hope this helpsxxxx

10-09-06, 20:03
Back in 1992 i was at work and my then boyfriend worked with me, i found out he wasn't coming in and i hyperventalated, my fingers went so i couldn't move them and i passed out and ended up in hospital. I didn't realise that this was the same thing. Thanks :)

10-09-06, 20:50
Sarah, I have suffered from that for at least the past ten years on and off, I go through stages when its worse than others. My Doc checks peak flow as well and its always fine, they just say that its a symptom of anxiety. Whenever I get panicky I get these feelings and now I dont know what comes first the panicky feeling or the not breathing feeling. I do try to carry a paper bag around as that does help. I also always resort to a couple of drinks, as this always relaxes me, but I know that that is not the best way! Look at Claire Weekes books she has some pages in there about inabilty to take a deep breath and reading that page sometimes helps me!! Also, I seen a good site on here(I will try and find out the address for you) that explains what happens when we think we cant take a deep breath its generally because we have forgotten to breathe out!

Hope this helps, feel free to pm me anytime........ its just so good to kknow that there are people that feel the same, as sometimes trying tp explain it to my mates its very difficult because they have no idea what I am talking about.


10-09-06, 21:39
Hi Sarah,

i get this alot too, whenever i have a panic attack - which seems to be nearly everday at the moment! I try to keep a bag on me too, but if i've forgotten to i've found that cupping my hands over my mouth and nose helps to get my breathing back to normal. hope this helps :)

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

11-09-06, 06:18
Me too - i think the breathing thing is worse than the actual feeling of panic - and I carry a bag with me and hold my breath sometimes to calm it down - scary when you feel you cant breathe - I yawn and sigh a lot as well!!
love wenjoy x

11-09-06, 08:04
Hi Sarah

yep, I get this too, not a nice symptom but now I try not to worry about it .
i find that diaphragmatic breathing helps me, when you breathe in push your stomach out and pull it in when you breathe out, breathing out for a couple of seconds longer than you breathe in.
Ihope this makes sense.

Take care

Elaine x

11-09-06, 11:49
Delighted to find this topic - thanks so much for posting it as this is my worst problem currently and I hate it! I wopuld prefer the panic to this!

11-09-06, 14:51
I've been sat at my laptop for a while thinking about what i would prefer and it has to be the breathing thing........no, no panic.....no, definitely the breathing problem.........actually, how about NEITHER...lol!!!!!!!!!!