View Full Version : my barium swallow results back scared stiff!

04-03-13, 18:41
ive just rung my surgery and there back its been 5 days i asked her if they was ok she said i cant see just says you have got to speak to the doctor so now im worried its something bad and the doctor cant see me till wednesday what shall i do im worries sick now all i can think is the c word :(

04-03-13, 19:20
The receptionists are not usually allowed to tell you so I wouldn't worry too much x

04-03-13, 19:55
I no but it must be something Annie else she would of said its all fine no action needed x

04-03-13, 21:07
As far as I know receptionists can tell you the results of blood tests over the phone, but scans , x rays and similar tests they are not qualified to tell you the results. This is the case at my surgery anyway, anything test, apart from blood tests, I have always been asked to make appointment to see doctor even if all ok.

04-03-13, 21:12
Yes I agree with Alma, my doctors have the same policy. Urine and blood tests they can tell you but not scans etc.

04-03-13, 22:29
Yeah when I get my blood results the receptionist can't tell me so she gets the nurse on the phone to tell me.
The people need to be some what qualified to give you the test results hence why you see the doctor usually :)