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View Full Version : NOT TO READ WHILE EATING - Bleeding...

04-03-13, 19:00
...after a bowel movement. My HA has been lots better over the past few months, I've still been getting panic attacks but thats beside the point.

Basically, a few days ago I noticed when wiping after going to the toilet there was a bit of blood on the paper. I've had this a few times before and its usually gone the next day so thought nothing of it. Then it happened the next day. Then yesterday after going there was a bit more, I actually thought it was my period until I checked and realised it wasn't coming from there. I had to put toilet paper there and it carried on slightly for a few hours - only a tiny bit though.
Then it happened again this morning and was sore as well. I am terrified to go to the toilet again now!! The blood is bright red. I stupidly googled and am worried sick what it could be, but am going to the doctors tomorrow, although the thought of a rectal exam is putting me off.

Anyone experienced this?

04-03-13, 19:18
It's definitely wise to see a doctor about it!

I wouldn't worry too much though, remember that when you Google symptoms they inevitably give you they are always terrifying and usually inaccurate! A doctor will be able to tell what's actually going on, and rectal exams aren't fun, but at least you will be able to put anxiety about the diagnosis to rest once you've found out.

I imagine it is probably something quite simple - imbalanced diet maybe, or irritation from clothing?

Best wishes from me xx


04-03-13, 19:19
It sounds like either piles or an anal fissure..neither of those are serious. x

04-03-13, 19:26
Thanks so much to you both, I really appreciate the replies. Its crazy but I'm more worried about the thought of that exam than what it could be! I know google is a bad idea, and I dont usually but couldnt help myself!xx

04-03-13, 19:53
I think if it is bright blood that is an irritation near the ermmm exit (if you catch my drift!), as the others have said above. It is just so scary because it is one of those things that you are told to rush to the doctors with....

As for the exam, the only advice I can give is try and relax, tensing will NOT help :winks: and pretend you are elsewhere! I'm not 100% sure they will give you an exam, they may just ask you to go back if it is still happening in a week or two.

I suggest you eat or drink things to help you to go to the loo easily (my mum swears by orange juice), just in case you are a bit 'irritated' down there.

All the best

04-03-13, 22:11
Thanks for the advice, I will definitely try to have more orange juice (I buy it often but my son gets to it first lol) and more oranges themselves!

If it comes to the exam I will just try not to get tense as I see what you're saying, it wont help matters!

Thanks :)

05-03-13, 07:52
ive had this a few times, dr said if its not dark blood and actually in your poop, dont worry. mine bleeds usually a few hours after a bowel movement too! i thought it was a period. really dont worry

05-03-13, 10:27
Yup it was piles when this happened to me and I freaked out hugely.

It was a Saturday morning, my wife was awway for the weekend and I nearly went into orbit when I spotted the blood. Anyway when I had returned to earth and stopped screaming I found out there was an emergency doctor at our local A&E covering out of hours stuff for the local GP suregries.

"Oh well" I thought " at least it will be someone I don't know peering up there and telling me I am going to die and not my normal GP (who I know quite well)."

So I get there and it is my normal GP :doh: Anyway the short version is he looked up there, much to my embarassment and, of course, it was piles.

Anyway this won't help your worrying so go and get checked, but as some have said if it is bright red blood it is going to be piles and you have nothing to worry about.

08-03-13, 19:07
Hi im sorry im late replying to this james and katielou, been sooo busy the past couple of days. Anyway that above experience sounds horrific James! How embarrassing...

Well luckily the bleeding has stopped now, im so relieved and thansk to everyone replying.