View Full Version : Occupational Health

04-03-13, 19:44
Hi all,

Just wondered if people had any experiences of occupational health? I am in my probation period at work and am having a relapse of GAD that means I keep having to ask to work from home.My symptoms are all physical- vommiting and nausea - but tomorrow I have to confirm with my boss that it is GAD. My doctor has raised my Seroxat 2 weeks ago but this has not kicked in yet.

I am seeing my doctor again tomorrow and then my boss. I am going in to work most days but finding it really tough. I am worried that my boss will send me to oc health - my partner thinks they are basically a way for a company to show they tried to help before they get rid of you but the work website says they are there for support.

What have other people found?

Thanks for your help. xxx

04-03-13, 19:45
In my opinion I found Occupational health to be very supportive x

04-03-13, 19:49
i've seen occupational health therapists before and they are there to help you. They will listen to you and your symptoms/issues and be able to advise you (and the company/your boss) on the best way for work to support you to enable you to work and manage your health too. They can help arrange phased returns if needed and can also offer advice on tests, where to find help etc depending on their expertise.

05-03-13, 09:26
I too was ill during my probationary period and had 6 weeks off. I was referred to OH after 4 weeks and was terrified but actually they were lovely and very, very supportive. I felt that they were totally on my side. They advised a phased return and when I wasn't ready to start it when I was meant to, they were totally non-judgemental.

Also I hadn't realised that I would be able to see a copy of their report before it went back to my employer. I found that reassuring too.

Is your boss supportive? x

Fear not -

05-03-13, 09:37
Thanks so much for this guys. I feel a lot better hearing the good experiences.

I am having a bad day today- couldn't even keep my breakfast down! I have called my boss and left a voicemail asking if we can do my one to one by phone if I can't come in.

it is hard to say if she is supportive or not- she has been away 2 weeks and my symptons are coming and going so it is not easy to keep her updated.

i have not told her that it is anxiety yet- maybe I will feel better once I have?

I am seeing the doctor later so I will hopefully get something to help with the side effects of raising my dose of seroxat.

if I can just calm down enough to do the work, I think my confidence would be boosted and I could get on with it.

Right now I feel so weak and shaky from all the vomitting that I wonder if I will ever be able to get back to normal. :weep:

I keep telling myself I was ok before Xmas and will be ok again once the drugs kick in but it is very hard to be positive.

05-03-13, 22:53
How did you get on at the docs?

if I can just calm down enough to do the work, I think my confidence would be boosted and I could get on with it.

I know what you mean about this - that's what I kept trying to do and I succeeded for quite a while before the wheels finally fell off. Mind you I wasn't managing it as proactively as you are and wasn't really on any meds.

You will get back to normal. Have faith. Just be gentle with yourself. Have you accumulated any holiday entitlement yet that you could take?

Re telling her - I always think honesty is the best policy, I know it's a cliche but you have nothing to hide. Good luck x

16-03-13, 14:08
thanks for your kind words. The doctor gave me diazapam but that just made me too tired to work. I had a couple of days off last week sick and a days holiday so now I am just waiting for Monday morning with absolute terror. the doctor gave me a sick note saying I should be allowed to work from home but some days I can't even do that.

I have an appointment with occupational health on Tuesday which I am worrying about. Does anyone know what I should do to prepare? It just says to bring info about the meds I am taking.

I have only been on 10mg of seroxat for less than 2 weeks now. I know that is not enough time to work - I was only on 2.5mg before. I also know I can go up to 20 but can't take the side effects and the waiting.

I just wish I could get back to work but even thinking about it makes me nervous- I spent a couple of days at work feeling ill and I think that has totally put me off and I have lost confidence.

I really hope you are right and normality is just around the corner!

My partner is really down today which makes it worse- she is trying to be upbeat usually but seams to have given up a bit today. i just want my old life back!

Sorry for rant, any help about occupational health woudl be much appreciated.

16-03-13, 15:33
You don't need to do anything to prepare, just be honest in telling them how ill you are.

16-03-13, 17:04
I posted something similar on here last week. I was so worried about going to occy health, and was sure the report they wrote was going to allow my boss to get rid of me. The scariest bit for me was the waiting room. The doctor who assessed me listened, asked questions and made suggestions about things I could do to feel better. It was like the doctor's appointment you wish your GP could give you. At no point did I feel he was judging me negatively, and having received a copy of the report, it's very much on my side.

They will want to know how long you've been feeling this way, whether anything triggered it, and what you've done in the past. It helps if you can tell them any therapies or drugs which have helped, or not helped.

I had it in my head that since they were organised by my employers, they'd be using it as an excuse to get shot of me. Couldn't be more wrong. The report is sitting by the side of my bed, that's how not scary it is.

Please don't worry about it, they are there to help, and find ways to get you back to work when you're ready.

16-03-13, 17:13
Thanks guys, I feel a bit better. Been up and down all day about going to work on Monday then Oc health on Tues.

Wish I didn't have to deal with all this!

little scientist
17-03-13, 16:50
Hello :)

After 4 weeks off work last year with anxiety, then a very stressful event with a colleague at work shortly after my time off, I had occupational health involved. They were nothing but helpful to me - their role is to help you do your job, not to find a reason why you can't be at work.

I found that my occupational health had a lot of clout if I needed it - they could put pressure on my line manager if I needed it to assist me in my return to work. I have also seen the same kind of help given to a colleague who is being bullied in the work place - despite their reputation, they are there to help :)

17-03-13, 17:24
Just wanted to agree with the previous posts, Occupational Health are there to be helpful and to find ways to make your life at work easier, I was suspicious and worried before going to see them and thought they were there to find a way for my employer to get rid of me, but really they are on your side. Hope it goes ok for you.

17-03-13, 17:33
Thanks so much everyone. I feel so much better!

I am feeling ok today and hoping that it will continue to tomorrow morning when I am back in work. I seam to feel different everyday and never know if I will be positive or negative about things.

It feels like a busy week with Doctors and Oc health on Tues, CBT on weds and then maybe a work trip on Fri. I am supposed to be working Saturday but will see how it goes.

Thanks for your help. x