View Full Version : Chest pain when walking

Anxiety Jim
04-03-13, 20:26

I'm obese at 145 kg (24 stone), when I walk for more than a couple of minutes, which is enough to get me out of breath, I start to get chest pain, starting in the centre and spreading outwards to the sides of my ribs. I also have more trouble breathing than just being out of breath from exercise. This pain goes a few minutes after I get back and have sat down.

I am really worried that it's angina, or another heart related condition. Has anyone had similar? I've had quite a few 5 or 6 ECG's in the last 5 years, and they've always been fine, but angina doesn't show up on an ECG in more than 50% of people.


04-03-13, 21:27
Hi Anxiety Jim

You have said Angina and yes that could be worry but as you find most of the people here worry about heart problems (I know I do and I have asked the same question you have).

One thing that could be causing you problem is poor posture that can over time leave your chest muscles weakend and that could cause you discomfort when walking due to the pressure of your upper body... Do you walk stooped or upright.

Also as you know anxiety tenses the muscle up mainly around the chest and that could also be the cause so learning some belly breathing could help because if you are anxious and you breath via the chest it will put extra strain on the chest muscles in return causing chest pain.

I have for many a few years suffered from chest pain that has been cause by a condition called costochondritis and that can be brought on by walking and it can feel like a Heart attack/Angina I have had to retrain myself to correct my posture and the bast way was a shoulder brace to open the chest area up by pulling the shoulders back.

But at the end of the day you should ask your doctor to send you to the local Chest Pain clinic and they will do a stresstest ecg it can be done via a treadmill (I have done it twice) or Chemical Stress Test via injection...And that would rule out angina.

Remember you know your body better than anyone and if you think you need it checking over do it.

Anxiety Jim
04-03-13, 22:40

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure how receptive my GP will be to another test, he's already put me in for an endoscopy a few weeks ago, haven't had it yet though, it's in April.

Also if it's relevant I get a lot of palpitations and chest pain when I'm lying on my back. Which makes me think it's definitely heart related.


05-03-13, 00:26
Hi Jim

When you say Chest Pain what kind of pain is it.. and you endoscopy I take it that is for gerd/acid reflux..

Don't forget chest pain can feel like it is coming from the heart but things like gerd/acid relux can irrate the nerves in that area and send false feelings of pain.

Anxiety Jim
05-03-13, 00:48

Thank's the the reply. The endoscopy is for a pain that I've had in my stomach for nearing a year now, they're going to look for ulcers and hernias I think. I do get acid reflux, but the pain I have when walking is not like that. It's as if I can't fill my lungs, and my chest is being squeezed, it makes me want to pull my clothes away from my chest.

I'm now at the point where I'm sure it's angina, I've been morbidly obese for about 7 years, and have high blood pressure to go with it. My cholesterol has been in the OK range, but always at the very top. And my resting pulse is usually about 80.

05-03-13, 01:08
Well Jim mate

You need to get it sorted if you are at that point where you think it is.

Don't forget angina is manageable.

You owe it to yourself to get seen to... Your doctor should understand

07-11-17, 21:38

Thank's the the reply. The endoscopy is for a pain that I've had in my stomach for nearing a year now, they're going to look for ulcers and hernias I think. I do get acid reflux, but the pain I have when walking is not like that. It's as if I can't fill my lungs, and my chest is being squeezed, it makes me want to pull my clothes away from my chest.

I'm now at the point where I'm sure it's angina, I've been morbidly obese for about 7 years, and have high blood pressure to go with it. My cholesterol has been in the OK range, but always at the very top. And my resting pulse is usually about 80.

I know this was posted a long time ago, but I have the exact same symptoms yout described. Have you had any diagnoses?