View Full Version : All my Results and Terrified to the Extreme

05-03-13, 07:57
So i have been here a while ago and decided to take a rest until i got all my results back and it took about 1 month or so but i have gotten all my results back for several tests. Its now making me feel worse then before i had the tests.

Chest Xray - All clear - ok

Abdominal Ultrasound - Mild Fatty Liver, Cholelithiasis(stones)

EMG Nerve Conduction Study - Normal - ok

MRI cervical Spine - Degenerate Disc Disease C6-C7

24 Hour Holter Monitor - 8 atrial premature beats , 1 atrial couplet, sinus tachycardia

Stress Test - Resting ECG - Sinus Tachycardia, right axis deviation and incomplete right bundle branch block

Echo Test - Trace physiological mitral regurgitation, Trace physiological pulmunary regurgitation, Trace physiological tricuspid regurgitation.

Blood Lab mostly normal but - Vit b12 - Indeterminate (low) 130 PMOL
HDL level low 0.81 target should be 1.29 and trace blood in urine.

All these terms freak me out and the only thing the doctor suggested was I take clonazepam for anxiety. I mean its terribly reading all my results and be told nothing really is wrong. If that was the case why not just type NORMAL on the results rather then tell me all these regurgitations and sinus tachycardia and blocks..

Jesus man I just am losing it. anyone have any idea if any of this is serious? I have a feeling i need to find another clinic and do all these tests over again and try and get answers. If i go to my family doctor she will be upset. i am afraid to take anything.. any pill and vitamin. It appears i am a lost cause.

06-03-13, 00:24
No one huh? i guess i look so dead so no wants to comment. I don't blame anyone really.

Anyone at least know what "grade 1 systolic function" means..

I guess its time to give up here.. this is never going to end

Daisy Sue
06-03-13, 01:02
Hi - I just googled a few of the terms in your results... they all seem to point to slight, or mild, or early, signs of heart irregularities - I didn't check them all, but what I did check, nothing came up as serious or life threatening.

However, honestly if I were you, I'd want these results explaining to me in full, what they mean now and what they'll mean to my future, and I guess my GP is not the person I'd go to - I'd want to have a cardio specialist talk to me about this, with it being such an important issue.

Can you get a referral to one, and take these results with you? You might only need that one visit to answer your questions.

06-03-13, 12:29
Thanks for the reply Daisy Sue. I basically give up I really actually do not care what happens to myself anymore.. LOL if i die i die who cares.

Daisy Sue
06-03-13, 13:20
Thanks for the reply Daisy Sue. I basically give up I really actually do not care what happens to myself anymore.. LOL if i die i die who cares.

Well for a start, there's a lot of people here who'd care!

This is your fed-upness talking, and I don't blame you for feeling that blue... all those results to get your head around, and nobody medical is explaining them to you fully. I actually think I'd be quite cross, as well as fed up!

I know how the whole doctor/discussion/meds/treatment thing can look like an impossible mountain to climb from where you are right now, but all you need to do is take baby steps, one thing at a time, and I'd start with your GP... ask for a cardio referral, and also B12 supplements or injections. Also, I'd accept the clonazepam that's been offered, or something similar.

Do your family know your medical test results? If not, I think you should share them, and ask for their support.