View Full Version : Bile or acid?

05-03-13, 09:40
I feel sick every day, fatigue, loose bowels etc and I am waiting for an ultrasound scan on my liver due to high liver enzymes on my bloods. I woke up feeling sick and I brought a load of yellow horrid stuff up, no food or anything just this.
I don't know if it's bile or acid but I am worried.

05-03-13, 12:19
Could be both how long have u not eaten for ?

05-03-13, 12:23
I am eating because I am making myself eat but I never feel hungry and always feel sick.

05-03-13, 13:38
Your probably not eating enough.
The yellow is bile usually from an empty stomach.
Try eating little and often, this will help.
Anxiety makes you feel sick sometimes, try
Sipping peppermint cordial too.
Hope this helps xxx

05-03-13, 15:15
I feel sick and don't want to eat but I am making myself eat, so I am eating enough. I don't feel sick with not eating. I feel like I am getting worse and I am going to pop my clogs before they find what's wrong.

05-03-13, 15:44
I felt how you describe when I had gastritis. Acid reflux can also cause the symptoms you describe so might be worth mentioning this to your Doctor

05-03-13, 15:46
I had an endoscopy a few years ago and I had gastritis then but I have been taking lansoprazole since so cant see it being that again.

05-03-13, 16:12
I'm on omeprazole and I've had gastritis twice, had to double my dose for a month to get rid of it.

05-03-13, 16:18
Thanks bernie. I am seeing my gp in the morning. Did it make you feel ill as in fatigue and loose bowels too?

05-03-13, 18:07
I felt terribly run down with gastritis. I felt so nauseous all the time I could hardly eat so this didn't help. I had the runs when I first started with it for a week or so and when the increased dosage of omeprazole kicked in that stopped.

Good luck at the Doctors tomorrow

06-03-13, 05:13
It could be bile.
Have you had your gallbladder taken out at anytime?
Omeprazole etc, will help with acid but will not do anything for bile reflux.
In fact, medication for bile reflux is fairly limited, I suffer the same with nausea first thing in the morning and have to prop myself up in bed.

06-03-13, 08:20
No never had my gallbladder removed but I have had a small gallstone for years.

07-03-13, 10:56
You may find that propping your bed up at least 6 inches (pillow end) will help with the reflux during the night and when waking up. If it is bile, you may find that you stools can be light brown on some days. If you had had you gallbladder removed then bile can be problematical as it will be released from the liver straight into the stomach instead of going to the gallbladder first, however, this doesn't apply to you of course.