View Full Version : feeling so sick

05-03-13, 10:04
Had my first Citralopram today & now feeling very, very sick is this common or is it just because I ampaicking?

05-03-13, 19:07
When I started, I did feel a bit nauseous for the first few days, but I was never actually sick. If you can stick with it, the side effects should start to subside within a few days. If, however, it becomes intolerable, make sure you speak to your doctor for advice.

07-03-13, 08:33
yes i haven't been sick just feeling very nauseous hope it passes! Thank you for the reply x

Jen Sat
07-03-13, 08:37
Hi Izzie, I am day 3 into taking Citralopram and have nausea and feel a bit spacey. The nausea comes and goes and is not constant, I also am experiencing increased anxiety at times, nothing too major. As the day wears on I find that it gets more bearable. We should compare notes as the days go on. xx

07-03-13, 08:41
yes i am also on day 3, my nausea is pretty constant at the mo but think i may have also picked up a bug! Yes sounds good xx

Jen Sat
07-03-13, 09:20
What time of day do you take your tablet and are you on 20mg? I take mine at night as my thinking is that I can sleep though some of the side effects. I have found that peppermint tea or lemon/ginger tea helps. x

07-03-13, 09:50
i take mine in the morning, i get quite scared taking them.feeling very ill today x

07-03-13, 20:33
I too felt nausea for the first few days but was not actually sick. I found out that having the tablet with food prevented feeling sick.

07-03-13, 20:39
Thank you will try that!

07-03-13, 22:40
Hang in there! It will get better.

08-03-13, 17:13
Thank you Noddy I hope so x

10-03-13, 23:33
I remember feeling slightly sick for a week or so plus i was feeling tension in my fingertips and toes but once that stopped i've felt ok since.
Give your body time to get used to them and i'm sure you'll be ok.
Good luck :)